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Presentation on theme: "EGG COOKERY."— Presentation transcript:


2 How many ways are there to cook an egg?
L Goals for the day: Learn about egg cookery Learn culinary terms Agenda: review and go over notes Create and complete a lab rubric Prepare Pans for Labs Demonstrate lesson 1 everyone How many ways can you cook a egg? Word of the day: Over easy egg & clarify

3 How many ways to cook an egg?
It is represented in the pleats of an executive chef hat. There are 101 pleats in the executive hat, for the 101 ways to cook an egg.

4 Notes Clarify- To make clear Clarified butter = Ghee (gee) India
Seasoning the pan—oil put it on low heat for several hours, sometimes they do it in an oven low temperature.

5 Clarified Butter or Ghee Melt at Low Temperature

6 Skim Off the Milk Solids

7 Clarified Butter or Ghee End Product

8 Method 1 Over Easy Egg

9 Today’s Goals: Methods 1
The goal is to make an over easy egg with a seasoned pan. (toast is available) Complete lab rubric Focus on the standard

10 How do you make Method 2(Butter Poached) egg?
L. Goal is to make a poached egg with a seasoned pan. (Make eggs Benedict) Agenda: Complete lab rubric Focus on the standard Notes Make eggs Benidict Word of the day: Poached

11 Goal Make Eggs Benedict

12 How to Make Eggs Benedict
1 half piece Top with English Muffin Canadian Poached Hollandaise Toasted Bacon Egg Sauce

13 Day 3 Learned to Cook Omelets

14 Fluffy Omelet Recipe and Demo How do you Make a Omelet?
Recipe: Mix 3 eggs with 2 Tablespoons of Water L. Goal is to Make a fluffy Omelet: Agenda: Complete lab rubric Focus on the standard Word of the day: Omelet Q & A What are the standards?

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