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Electron Spin as a Probe for Structure Spin angular momentum interacts with external magnetic fields g e  e HS e and nuclear spins I m Hyperfine Interaction.

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Presentation on theme: "Electron Spin as a Probe for Structure Spin angular momentum interacts with external magnetic fields g e  e HS e and nuclear spins I m Hyperfine Interaction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electron Spin as a Probe for Structure Spin angular momentum interacts with external magnetic fields g e  e HS e and nuclear spins I m Hyperfine Interaction + a I m S e Hamiltonian = g e  e S e H  g N  N I m H + aI m S e Energy of electron in external Magnetic field H Energy of magnetic nucleus in external Magnetic field H

2 Magnetic parameters Lande g-factor about 2 for organic radicals For free electron g = 2.00232 Actual value of g is dependent on spin- orbit coupling in the radical Determines center of spectrum of a radical Bohr magneton,  e = 9.274 × 10 −28 J / G Hyperfine coupling depends on the electron’s spin density at the magnetic nuclei

3 Electron Spin as a Probe for Structure The main reason it acts as a sensitive probe of free radical structure is that the Hyperfine Interaction or Fermi Contact Term is large only at the nucleus of a magnetic atom

4 Spin Angular Momentum S e |m s > =  ½ |m s > In energy units of h/2  I N |m N > =  ½ |m N >

5 Gives “Fingerprint” Spectra Spectrum when no Magnetic nuclei present Spectrum when one Magnetic nucleus present S e = 1/2 S e =  1/2 I m = 1/2 I m =  1/2 I m = 1/2  E = g e  e H + a/2 E = g e  e H E = g e  e H  a/2 Selection rules  S e =  1  I m = 0

6 Microwave Transitions Energy differences depend on the external magnetic field Electronic energy differences between pure electron spin states are about a thousand times larger (  e = 9.27 × 10  28 J/G) than energy differences between pure nuclear states (  N = 5.05 × 10  31 J/G) Since energy differences are small, it is possible to saturate transitions Stimulated emission is also seen because of Chemically Induced Dynamic Electron Polarization (CIDEP)

7 Microwaves (Units) Magnet field of about 3400 G = H X-band microwaves 3.0 to 3.3 cm Frequency around 9.4 GHz Energy 0.3 to 0.33 cm  1 At 300  C, k B T = 0.025 eV = 208 cm  1

8 Intensity patterns No magnetic nuclei yields one line One magnetic nucleus yields two lines 2 equivalent nuclei get pattern 1-2-1 3 equivalent nuclei get pattern 1-3-3-1 4 equivalent nuclei get pattern 1-4-6-4-1

9 TRESR (Boxcar) H 2 N-  C(CH 3 ) 2 25 G H 2 N-C(CH 3 ) 2 CO 2  +  OH  H 2 N-  C(CH 3 ) 2 + CO 2 + OH 

10 Block Diagram of ESR Spectrometer

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