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PEDACTICE Project Antonio Duarte-Katja Vandenbrik MERLIN Workshop, Barcelona, May 2002.

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2 PEDACTICE Project Antonio Duarte-Katja Vandenbrik MERLIN Workshop, Barcelona, May 2002

3 PEDACTICE Target population: Teachers Pupils Policy makers Multimedia producers

4 PEDACTICE Problems studied: Teachers‘ evaluation of multimedia products (WP 3) Pupils‘ learning with ICT (WP 4) Pedagogical efficiency of ICT (WP 5) Teachers‘ competencies concerning ICT (WP 6) Teacher-Training (WP 7)

5 PEDACTICE Specific goal of the project: Studying the ‚state of the art‘ of ICT use in European schools

6 PEDACTICE Objectives (I) of the project: Improving quality of teaching and learning while using ICT by considering Teachers‘ and pupils‘ assessment of ICT Pupils‘ learning with ICT Pedagogical efficiency of ICT Teachers‘ competencies concerning ICT

7 PEDACTICE Objectives (II) of the project: Developing a flexible model of Teacher training for teachers working with ICT Guidelines and suggestions for effective use of ICT

8 PEDACTICE Research Questions posed: Teachers‘ assessment Pupils‘ learning ICT Designers` views on learning with ICT

9 PEDACTICE – Teachers‘ Assessment Research Question: State of the art - Use/Evaluation/Experiences/Attitudes concerning ICT in school Instrument: semi-structured Interview/Questionnaire Qualitative approach Section 1: information on products Section 2: process evaluation Section 3: product evaluation Section 4: information on teachers Section 5: information on schools

10 PEDACTICE – Pupils‘ learning Affective - Motivation Interpersonal -Social interaction -Collaborative learning Cognitive - Learning strategies -Conceptions of learning - ICT competencies

11 PEDACTICE (Learning) technologies applied: Internet Multimedia products produced by companies (sponsored) Within the project partners: email & conference system

12 PEDACTICE Role of ICT in the project: As learning materials within the school context As communication tool within the project partners: email & confernce system

13 PEDACTICE Innovative aspects offered by the project: Integration of different target groups and (their interdependency) within the research questions Conceptions of learning with multimedia

14 More information on the PEDACTICE project can be found at:

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