Reception Writing Meeting Summer term 2015 Welcome!

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Presentation on theme: "Reception Writing Meeting Summer term 2015 Welcome!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reception Writing Meeting Summer term 2015 Welcome!

2 Writing In Reception What we are working towards How children’s writing develops The importance of talk for writing Writing for meaning and purpose. Supporting handwriting.

3 Early Learning Goal : Literacy Writing Children use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds. They also write some irregular common words. They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible.

4 Learning to write Learning to write is a very complex business: Understand what and who the writing is for Collect ideas about what to write about Draw upon store of words and ideas Have well developed motor skills Recognise and remember the shapes of different letters Be able to place an idea, action or statement within a sentence And then there’s punctuation…

5 How children’s writing develops

6 Talk for writing Children need to express their thoughts and ideas orally before they can put these can be put in writing. The quality and richness of a child’s expressive language reveals how well they can structure a sentence. Children need to take part in conversations and be read a wide variety of books in order to develop a store of language and experience that they can draw on in their writing. As adults we are constantly modelling the sort of language children need to practise and experiment with before their writing begins. In Reception we structure all our activities to ensure that talk is a key element

7 Handwriting Pencil grip Letter formation…demonstration

8 How to help Talk, talk, talk! Provide children with experiences which they can draw on in their writing Give purpose to children’s writing…cards, lists, maps, books, posters, signs, letters Read, read, read! Be positive, encouraging…develop children’s confidence as writers.

9 Summer break activities Set up a writing table at home Ask your child to make lists for shopping, going on a picnic, packing for a trip Setting the table and counting the folks, knives and adding them together Reading while out and about Find numbers everywhere

10 Transition to Year 1 Visits to the Year 1 Classes every Tuesday Reception to spend break times on Tuesdays and Wednesdays with year 1 Buddy system with current year 1 Proud achievements to show year 1 teachers Parents will meet with new teachers in July. Transition booklets will be made in July Year 1 children and teachers will visit Reception children in their class an talk about year 1.

11 DateTimeDetails Lesson and classroom visits Every Tuesday after half term 9.30am-10.30am 9.30am-10.00am (lesson) 10.00am-10.15am (snack time) 10.15am –sent out to playtime Reception children will visit the Year 1 classes for a lesson planned by the Year 1 teachers. Year1 children will be sent to RC/RL class to be taught their planned lesson by the Reception teachers. Year 1 teachers will inform Reception teachers what they would like taught. Children will remain with teachers for snack time. Playtime- Year 2 sent to play in FS playground. Reception children sent to play with older Y1 chn in KS1 playground. (For this reason no play duties should be effected) Parents MeetingFirst week of July Date TBC Infant HallNEW Year 1 teachers to meet with NEW year 1 parents for September 2015- meet and greet, discuss first day routine. Attending assemblies and star of the week Every Monday after half term 9am- 9.30am in the Infant Hall Transition bookletsWeek of 6 th July-Reception planned activity making transition booklets including the following information/photos: new teacher, TA, dinner hall, classroom, toilets, lining up space in playground etc Year 1 Mini Presentations Week of 13 th JulyPm sessionsYear 1 pupils to visit Reception Classes and tell them all about the exciting things they will be doing and learning about in Year 1. Talking about how they felt when they started and how they feel now etc

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