Agenda for March 5, 2015 Do NOT get your binders. Complete the Mini-Quiz (10 minutes only). I See, I Think, I Wonder… Routine – Students will practice.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda for March 5, 2015 Do NOT get your binders. Complete the Mini-Quiz (10 minutes only). I See, I Think, I Wonder… Routine – Students will practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda for March 5, 2015 Do NOT get your binders. Complete the Mini-Quiz (10 minutes only). I See, I Think, I Wonder… Routine – Students will practice to Comprehend, Analyze, Inference, & Evaluate Political Cartoons C.P.Q.- What is the relationship between current events and political cartoons?

2 I See, I Think, I Wonder… Think-Aloud Students will write a statement in each box below. I will go through the slides with you and aid you in completing the boxes. Write sentence here

3 I See, I Think, I Wonder… Take a good look at this cartoon?

4 I See, I Think, I Wonder… What do you see?Read the text in the cartoon? Someone was obliterated

5 I See, I Think, I Wonder… Write a statement in the box below.

6 I See, I Think, I Wonder… I know that… The text says… Background knowledge: What do you know about these countries? Why do they say that? What happened to Iraq? I can infer that…

7 I See, I Think, I Wonder… Write a statement in the box below.

8 I See, I Think, I Wonder… What questions do you have from the text & cartoon? Who are these men? Are they dictators? Why are they saying that? What was happening in 2003?

9 I See, I Think, I Wonder… Write a statement in the box below.

10 I See, I Think, I Wonder… Now you will try it on your own. Turn your paper and use the political cartoon on the next slide to complete the following. Write a statement describing what you see (including the visuals & the text) in the political cartoon. Write a statement concerning any background knowledge + textual evidence found in the political cartoon. Write a I wonder statement + textual evidence from the political cartoon.


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