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All India Federation of Self Employed Women’s Association PRESENTED BY SEWA BHARAT.

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1 All India Federation of Self Employed Women’s Association PRESENTED BY SEWA BHARAT

2 PREFACE OF THE PROGRAM Preventing Trafficking in women and girls through empowerment and organising domestic workers

3 OBJECTIVES  Sensitization of domestic workers on their rights and work in order to have an increased collective strength and representation in target states in India.  Enhancing skills of domestic workers and advocacy on their rights in public policy fora.  Domestic workers’ organizations, related women's organisations, local panchayat and labour officers are better informed and able to take effective action on issues of trafficking and safe migration.

4 IMPLEMENTING STATES  Delhi  Bihar  West Bengal  Kerala  Udisha  Tamilnadu

5 PROBLEMS FACED BY DOMESTIC WORKERS  No identity  Physical and mental torture  No decent workplace  No leaves or rest between working hours  Not allow to use washroom  No minimum wages  Gender discrimination  No welfare benefits  No any medical security at the time of emergency  False promises and fraud by agents or placement agencies

6 ADVOCACY  Contribution in reforming National Policy of Domestic Workers.  Distributed National Policy to MPs, MLAs and other Govt. Stakeholders for promotion.  Supported domestic workers voice to ratify 189 ILO Convention through signature campaign.  Organized “AAM SABHA” at Jantar Mantar to promote domestic workers rights.  Published pamphlets on domestic workers rights in several Newspapers for promotion (Times of India, Hindustan Times and Rastriya Sahara, Punjab Kesari).

7 ACHIEVEMENTS  Ensure four leaves in New Ashok Nagar, Anand Vihar and Dhallu Pura in Delhi through the rally on the occasion of Domestic Workers Day on 16 th June.  Facilitation to prepare 330 Ration Cards.  Facilitation to prepare 300 Voter ID Cards.  Facilitation to get benefit of RSBY welfare scheme to 213 Domestic workers.  Facilitation to prepare 95 Aadhaar cards.  4376 Women Domestic workers are SEWA Members.  1725 Domestic workers have SEWA ID Cards.  7 cases have been resolved on the issues of wages and security.

8 OUR BELIEVE IN “EMPOWERMENT”  Helping them to achieve their rights  Finding solutions to their existing problems of housing, regular work  Creating their own support structures  Improving their professional skills  Understanding issues of workers in the informal sector  Getting to know their rights  Skills to advocate for their rights with employers and the government  Relating to the larger women’s workers movement  Ability to access the welfare benefits/boards believe

9 THANK YOU For further information visit our site

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