Professional Development Day Fall 2014 R. Brown, V. Martinez, K. Moberg, A. Ratto.

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Presentation on theme: "Professional Development Day Fall 2014 R. Brown, V. Martinez, K. Moberg, A. Ratto."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional Development Day Fall 2014 R. Brown, V. Martinez, K. Moberg, A. Ratto

2 Focuses on changes in:  Enrollment Priorities  Matriculation Requirements  Funding  Accountability  Student Success/Achievement

3  Passed by the legislature to change matriculation requirements and increase accountability  Focuses on new students  Focuses on students seeking degrees, transfer or Career Technical education  Focuses on Basic Skills  Does not focus on single-course takers, life- long learners or transfer students

4  Requires collaboration between Student Services areas  Requires alignment with high schools  Requires pathways to success  Includes Equity component  Impacts funding of services  Requires greater coordination between Student Services and Instruction

5  Awards and incentivizes completion of: 1.Assessment 2.Orientation 3.An abbreviated Ed Plan 4.Encourages declaring a major 5.A declared goal of transfer, degree or certificate  New students – effective fall 2014 – including DRC, EOPS, CalWORKs, Foster Youth and Veterans must complete items 1 through 5

6  All “New-to-College” students should be assessed  State-wide “Common Assessment” being developed  Encourages alignment with high schools regarding expectations, curriculum and placement levels  Encourages multiple measures Examples: high school grades, standardized tests, other models available

7  SSSP Requires All New Students to Complete Orientation.  Typical Fall Incoming Class of 1000 Students Piloted Kick Start Program Spring/Summer In-person and Online Offered a Variety of Course and Program- specific Orientations

8  All New Students Will Need: A 1 to 2 semester (abbreviated) Ed Plan A comprehensive Ed Plan Students who change their majors should get new Ed Plans, but this is counted as follow-up for funding.  At Risk (Basic Skills, Underrepresented, etc) Students Challenges: What new interventions will need to be developed based on data? How do we scale up to meet demand and the funding regulations?

9  10% Initial Orientation  10% Assessment  10% Abbreviated Ed Plan  15% Counseling  35% Comprehensive Ed Plan  15% At Risk Follow Up Services  5% Other Follow Up Services  2:1 Match by the College Old Matriculation funding was in lump sum. New SSSP funding is based on service-delivery:

10  State wants to see more results – increased transfer, degree, certificate awards  State wants to see how we are actually working toward student achievement  State wants students to be more self-directed and focused on outcomes  Scorecard for all colleges: llegeID=441

11  SSSP Committee formed March 2014 (3 Admin, 5 Managers, 1 Professional Support Staff, 1 Confidential and 1 Faculty).  Writing assignments made in April  Majority of plan written by Counseling faculty  Committee reviewed draft and edited based on member input.  Committee identified items requiring larger discussions.  Collaborated with Equity Committee to identify linkages with Equity Plan.

12  Present and revise SSSP Plan through Shared Governance process. (Currently posted on the intranet.) (comments required by September 15 th, 2014)  Present for approval to Board of Trustees.  Submit to CCCCO by October 15, 2014.  In 14/15, the Student Services Council will create a task force to review results of the orientation pilots, create student focus groups, and bring suggestions to the SSSP committee for revisions to next year’s report.  Questions/comments, or if you would like to be more involved contact: or

13  As a part of the SSSP, the college is required by CCCCO to review data and identify any inequities across student population groups.  Develop a plan to address disproportionate impact on access and achievement.  Provided an opportunity for us to really examine how different groups are doing and develop a funded plan to respond.

14  Access (does our enrollment population reflect the community?)  Completion (course success)  Basic Skills improvement-English, Math, ESL  Degree and certificate completion  Transfer The Chancellor's office prescribed a method for collecting and analyzing data on the following indicators:

15  Gender  Ethnicity  Age  Disability Status  Economically Disadvantaged  Foster Youth and Veterans Added (7/14)

16  Student Equity Committee formed February 2014 (2 Admin, 2 Managers, 2 Staff, 3 Faculty, and 4 Students).  The Office of Institutional Research conducted the prescribed research and summarized the findings.  The Committee reviewed the research and discussed methods to address inequities.  In response, the committee developed a plan which included goals, outcomes and activities.  The Committee reviewed several drafts and edited based on Committee member input.  Collaborated with the SSSP Committee to incorporate proposed activities.

17  Low-income and Foster Youth student course completion rate (success rate).  Hispanic-American students, students with disabilities, and older students transfer rates.  All other groups/areas did not meet the CCCCO threshold for inequity.

18  To increase low income and Foster Youth student completion rates some of the proposed activities include: the TRIO Math boot camp, faculty training on poverty, and expansion of Foster Youth services for part-time students.  To increase Hispanic-American, disability, and older student transfer rates, some of the proposed activities include: re-establishing a Career/Transfer center with university rep on campus, and expanding information and visitations to universities.  Additionally, increasing orientation, education plans, and follow up services and reducing the number of impacted courses.

19  Present and revise Equity Plan through Shared Governance process. (Currently posted on the intranet).  Present for approval to Board of Trustees.  Submit to CCCCO by November 21 st 2014.  In 14/15, the Student Equity committee will meet regularly to provide updates on progress made toward addressing inequities.  The committee will also meet to develop next year’s plan.  Questions and comments or if you would like to be more involved contact: or

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