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Confidentiality Our clients’ industries are extremely competitive. The confidentiality of companies’ and universities’ plans and data is obviously critical.

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0 BATH SPA UNIVERSITY Pensions Taxation – Awareness Briefing
1 JULY 2014 Kevin Painter Principal

1 Confidentiality Our clients’ industries are extremely competitive. The confidentiality of companies’ and universities’ plans and data is obviously critical. Mercer will protect the confidentiality of all such client information. Similarly, consulting is a competitive business. We view our approaches and insights as proprietary and therefore look to our clients to protect Mercer’s interests in our proposals, presentations, methodologies and analytical techniques. Under no circumstances should this material be shared with any third party without the written consent of Mercer. Mercer

2 AGENDA 1 Pensions in context Pension Tax, historical perspective 2 3 Annual Allowance Lifetime Allowance 4 5 Why this matters 6 How to stay ahead of the game

3 Pensions in context

LOCAL GOVERNMENT PENSION SCHEME Accrual 1/80 pension and 3/80 cash 1/60 pension and cash via commutation, joiners from 1 January 2007 Proposed: 1/57 CARE from transitional protection for members 50+ 1/80 pension and 3/80 cash pre 31 March 2008 1/60 post 1 April 2008 and cash via commutation 1/49 CARE from 2014 Normal Retirement Age 60 (65 for post 2007 joiners) (State Pension Age from 2015) 65 (State Pension Age from 2014) Pensionable Salary Higher of: -The pensionable salary received in the last 12 months before retirement. This is subject to a salary restriction that limits any increases in pensionable salary to the greater of 10% or £5,700. -Highest revalued salary averaged across any 3 consecutive years in any of the previous 10 years Each year’s pensionable salary is revalued to the measurement date. This is usually the pay earned during the final year of scheme membership, or one of the previous two years, if this is higher. Employee Contribution 6.4% % (from April 2014) 5.5% % from 1 April 2014 Pension Input Period 1 April to 31 March 4 4

How Does a Final Salary Pension Scheme Work? At Normal retirement Date members will receive a pension based on: Final Pensionable Salary; Service with the University; and Accrual rate: Teachers Pension Scheme (TPS): 1/80th plus 3/80th cash for each year Avon Pension Fund, Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS): 1/80th plus 3/80th cash for each year, 60ths from 2008 Example TPS Final Pensionable Salary : £40,000 30 years service Divide Final Pensionable Salary by 80 £40,000 ÷ 80 = £500 Multiply the answer by Pensionable Service Annual pension from the Scheme Multiply pension by 3 £ x 30 = £15,000 £15,000 p.a £15,000 x 3 = £45,000 Tax free lump sum from the Scheme £45,000 5

6 Pension Tax, Historical Perspective

7 IN THE BEGINNING…… Prior to 2006, the most significant overhaul of pensions occurred in 1970 All taxable remuneration could count for pension purposes under “approved” schemes Maximum pension at retirement was 2/3rds of Final Remuneration after 10 years service Could exchange or commute part of pension for a tax free cash lump sum to a maximum of 1½ times Final Remuneration after 20 years service Maximum permitted member contribution of 15% of taxable earnings Could retire from age 50

8 SIMPLIFICATION?... The former Labour Government’s ‘Simplification’ proposals in 2003 To apply to all “registered” pension schemes Flexibility over the form of benefits Original “A Day” was to be April 2005 (actually introduced April 2006) Annual Allowance (AA) introduced at £215,000 Lifetime Allowance (LTA) started off at £1.5m Up to ¼ of the Lifetime Allowance can be taken as cash Some forms of ‘protection’ were available in 2006

Annual Allowance was reduced from £255,000 to £50,000 from April 2011 Lifetime Allowance reduced from £1.8m to £1.5m from April 2012 Government have reduced the AA further to £40,000 and the LTA to £1.25m from April 2014 New forms of ‘protection’ are available

10 2015 – WHAT’S NEXT?...... The Labour Party has stated that they would look to provide only basic income tax relief on all pension savings for high earners (earning > £150,000?) The Liberal Democrat Party has indicated that it would seek to lower the Lifetime Allowance further to £1m (leaving the Annual Allowance unchanged at £40,000 a year) Many commentators speculate that the tax relief on member pension contributions could be restricted in the future for those paying higher rates of income tax

11 Annual Allowance

Excess – penal taxation applies Double taxation tax charge applies £255,000 £215,000 Total HMRC value of annual pension savings £50,000 £40,000 2006 2010 2011 2014

Defined Benefit x 3 cash Accrued benefit x 16 if pension + CPI Accrued benefit Start of year End of year

14 POSSIBLE MITIGATION A pension value in excess of the AA would normally incur a tax charge at the employee’s marginal rate - benefits within the AA continue to receive full marginal rate tax relief “Carry forward” mechanism where any unused AA in the previous 3 years can be taken into account to help manage “spikes” in the value of pension saving “Scheme Pays”, where the Government allows members with pension tax bills in excess of £2,000 to get their pension scheme to pay the tax in exchange for a reduced benefit within the scheme

15 Lifetime Allowance

16 Excess – penal taxation applies
CHANGES TO THE LIFETIME ALLOWANCE Lifetime Allowance Excess – penal taxation applies 25% Lifetime Allowance charge on excess Pension (taxed) £1.8m £1.5m £1.5m £1.25m Total HMRC value of retirement benefits Pension (taxed) 25% tax free cash - max £312,500 from 2014 2006 2010 2012 2014

Individual Protection 2014 (IP14) If the HMRC value of your pension savings as at 5 April 2014 is greater than £1.25m, you can obtain an individual Lifetime Allowance equal to the value of your 5 April pension savings (but subject to a cap of £1.5m) Maximum tax free cash will be restricted to 25% of your individual Lifetime Allowance You can continue to accrue pension savings after 5 April 2014 The requirement to register is by 5 April Registration is not yet open (anticipated from July or August 2014) To register you will need to obtain details of all accumulated pension savings as at 5 April 2014

18 Why this matters

19 Benefits up to the Allowances for the HEI Sector
OLD VS. NEW REGIMES Benefits up to the Allowances for the HEI Sector Annual increases Pre April 2011 (using 10:1 factor) Post April 2014 (using 16:1 factor) Pension £19,615 p.a. £2,105 p.a. Cash £58,845 £6,315 At retirement Pre April 2012 (based on £1.8m LTA) Post April 2014 (based on £1.25m LTA) Pension £78,261 p.a. £54,348 p.a. Cash £234,783 £163,043 19

Member with 30 years of service by 1 April 2014 Aged 54 at 1 April 2014 Final Pensionable Salary increase from £40,000 p.a. to £47,500 p.a. in 2014/15 Pension Input Period commencing Accrued pension at beginning of year Accrued pension at beginning of year (inflated by consumer prices index) Accrued pension at end of year HMRC value of increase using a factor of 19:1 ( 16:1 pension, 1:1 cash) Excess over Annual Allowance of £40,000 1 April 2014 £15,000 £15,400 £18,400 £57,000 £17,000 Consumer Prices Index (CPI): 2014/15: 2.7%

21 WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR MEMBERS? Example 1 continued…
However: Member can take advantage of unused Annual Allowance carry forward from the previous 3 tax years Pension Input Period commencing Accrued pension at beginning of year (inflated by consumer prices index) Accrued pension at end of year HMRC value of increase in pension1 Unused AA 1 April 2011 £12,500 £13,000 £9,400 £40,600 1 April 2012 £13,700 £13,900 £4,900 £45,100 1 April 2013 £14,200 £15,000 £14,300 £35,700 Cumulative Carry Forward Annual Allowance: £121,400 1 April 2014 £15,400 £18,400 £57,000 £104,400 Therefore there is no Annual Allowance tax charge in the 2014/15 tax year in this example 1. The “HMRC value of increase in pension” for Annual Allowance purposes means the increase in the value of pension based on a capitalisation factor of 19 (using a factor of 16 for pension and 3 for the cash lump sum). When calculating the increase in the value of the pension over each year, allowance can be made for consumer price inflation to be applied to the previous year’s pension.

Member aged 54, with 30 years of service by 1 April 2014 Actual salary increased from £40,000 p.a. to £55,000 p.a. in 2013/14 and to £70,000 p.a. in 2014/15 TPS Final Pensionable Salary Pension Input Period (PIP) commencing Salary in last 12 months Restricted salary Best 3 in last 10 years Estimated Final Pensionable Salary 01 April 2011 38,500 38,700 01 April 2012 40,000 39,700 01 April 2013 55,000* 45,500 01 April 2014 70,000** 51,200 56,000 01 April 2015 72,800 57,000 67,300 01 April 2016 75,700 73,400 * Promotion from … to … ** Promotion from … to … These pensionable salaries have been estimated based on our understanding of the Teachers Pensions regulations. The restriction in definition of the Final Pensionable Salary in the TPS effectively ‘delays’ any promotional increases hence any AA tax charges. We have assumed that, other than promotional increases, pay increases are at RPI + 1%.

23 WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR MEMBERS? Example 2 continued…
Pension Input Period commencing Accrued pension at beginning of year (inflated by consumer prices index) Accrued pension at end of year HMRC value of increase in pension1 Unused AA – (excess pension savings) Tax Charge 1 April 2011 £12,900 £13,500 £12,500 £37,500 Nil 1 April 2012 £14,200 £14,500 £5,100 £44,900 1 April 2013 £14,800 £17,100 £42,600 £7,400 Cumulative Carry Forward Annual Allowance: £89,800 1 April 2014 £17,500 £21,700 £80,000 £49,800* Nil** 1 April 2015 £22,200 £26,900 £89,200 £500* 1 April 2016 £27,500 £30,300 £52,700 (£12,200)* £4,900 * Cumulative - includes any carry forward from previous 3 years ** There is sufficient carry forward from previous years in 14/15 and 15/16 An Annual Allowance tax charge would be payable in 2016/17 The restriction in the TPS Final Pensionable Salary definition has delayed Annual Allowance tax charges by 2 years after the promotional increase 1. The “HMRC value of increase in pension” for Annual Allowance purposes means the increase in the value of pension based on a capitalisation factor of 19 (using a factor of 16 for pension and 3 for the cash lump sum). When calculating the increase in the value of the pension over each year, allowance can be made for consumer price inflation to be applied to the previous year’s pension.

24 Date when tax payable from scheme becomes due
What does it mean members? Responsibilities and deadlines – example 2012 – 13 tax year Members to notify HMRC on self assessment tax returns that they want to use Scheme Pays and to have completed self-assessment form HMRC matches up scheme tax payments with elections by members for Scheme Pays on tax returns Latest date for members to make irrevocable election to proceed with Scheme Pays 6 Oct Jan July December February 2015 onwards Date when tax payable from scheme becomes due Best practice for Schemes to have sent pension savings statements to those who have exceeded the AA in that scheme

25 What does it mean for members? HMRC self assessment process
Increase in value of benefits in tax year after allowing for any available carry forward for the three previous tax years in respect of registered pension scheme Completed if Scheme Pays option exercised Enter the amount of Annual Allowance excess tax charge paid or payable by the scheme administrator, who you will have told how much tax has been paid. Where more than one pension scheme has paid such a tax charge, enter the total If Scheme Pays is being considered, enter the Pension Scheme tax reference number here

26 How to stay ahead of the game

Sector wide schemes Can move from one employer to another and keep continuous Pensionable Service. Significant final salary gearing with longer service. Be aware of CPI indexation The 2014 AA changes have affected: Promotional increases. High earners. New hires : attraction and retention issues. Tax year Relevant CPI increase date CPI increase Comment 2008 – 09 Sept 2007 1.8% First notional AA carry forward assessment 2009 – 10 Sept 2008 5.2% Attractive AA carry forward potential 2010 – 11 Sept 2009 1.1% Very low CPI and limited carry forward 2011 – 12 Sept 2010 3.1% First year of AA assessment under new £50,000 AA regime 2012 – 13 Sept 2011 High CPI and low pay increases so high potential for AA carry forward 2013 – 14 Sept 2012 2.2% Low CPI and some potential to exceed AA 2014 – 15 Sept 2013 2.7% First year under new £40,000 AA regime. Fairly low CPI exacerbated problem 2015 – 16 Sept 2014 ? Could be low Potential for very significant AA charges 27

The 2014 AA changes will affect: Promotional increases. High earners. New hires in attraction and retention issues. TPS: FAQs and on line modeller: Annual Allowance and Carry Forward calculations Scheme Pays election form LGPS Pension tax guide HMRC AA guidance, which includes links to various examples: Carrying forward unused AA from the previous 3 tax years. The calculation of the AA charge is shown in the link below: 28

UNDERSTAND Calculate potential impact to you CALCULATE Understand choices and consider your best outcome CHOOSE Implement your decision, e.g.: Individual Protection application Scheme Pays deadlines TAKE ACTION Review your financial position REVIEW OFTEN

30 Mercer Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
Registered in England No Registered Office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London EC3R 5BU

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