Insight for VET teachers into the management and operation of the tourism industry Insight project Bringing closer the VET education and the world of work.

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Presentation on theme: "Insight for VET teachers into the management and operation of the tourism industry Insight project Bringing closer the VET education and the world of work."— Presentation transcript:

1 Insight for VET teachers into the management and operation of the tourism industry Insight project Bringing closer the VET education and the world of work Peter Mayer Városlődi Villapark Nonprofit Ltd.

2 Insight for VET teachers into the management and operation of the tourism industry Overall aims of test placement for teachers Experiencing the work-based learning Bringing closer the practical- (tourism sector) and the educational field Creating professional networks

3 Insight for VET teachers into the management and operation of the tourism industry The advantages of participating in the test placement Visit a professional tourism workplace Familiarize the work-processes in tourism Build professional networks Improve the educational materials

4 Insight for VET teachers into the management and operation of the tourism industry The aim for the VET education Overall: linking the school book with the tourism practice Teach solutions: not only what’s going on in practice, but also how to solve problems in tourism business Show the professional details Achieve that students discuss professional tourism issues and problems Improve the presentational skill of students

5 Insight for VET teachers into the management and operation of the tourism industry Insight project provided the followings to the test placement Orientation training Support of organizing the placement Professional support of creating the case studies and presentations Knowledge sharing portal to get access to the case studies (in progress)

6 Insight for VET teachers into the management and operation of the tourism industry Insight’s test placement schedule Orientation training took place in May 12-14, 2014 in SEF School, Veszprem Test placement was in the period of 16 June - 30 June, 2014. Location: Club Tihany (Tihany), Krisztina Pension and Szandra Pension (Balatonalmádi) Altogether 23 VET tourism teachers participated.

7 Insight for VET teachers into the management and operation of the tourism industry Responsibilities of the participating teachers Fully participate in the test placement Document the participation (application form, photos, journal, collect professional document) Elaborate the case study following the provided guideline Use the portal to share the experiences (not yet)

8 Insight for VET teachers into the management and operation of the tourism industry Documentation Application form

9 Insight for VET teachers into the management and operation of the tourism industry

10 Documentation Journal of test placement

11 Insight for VET teachers into the management and operation of the tourism industry

12 Documentation Case study

13 Insight for VET teachers into the management and operation of the tourism industry








21 Thank you for your attention!

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