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F rom M iss I da’s P orch By Sandra Belton Illustrated by Meryl Treatner.

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3 F rom M iss I da’s P orch By Sandra Belton Illustrated by Meryl Treatner

4 S pelling L ist 1.modesty 2.honesty 3.lucky 4.messy 5.rainy 6.tasty 7.necessity 8.civility 9.nobility 10. agility BONUS WORDS: 1. buoyant 2. specificity 11.hostility 12.purity 13.formality 14.vigilant 15.servant 16.assistant 17.immigrant 18.pleasant 19.defiant 20.resistant

5 F rom M iss I da’s P orch By Sandra Belton Illustrated by Meryl Treatner Genre: Realistic Fiction A story that contains characters, settings, and conflicts that can exist in real life. Comprehension Strategy: Adjusting Reading Speed Focus Questions: W ho saw Marian Anderson perform in Washington D.C.? W hy was it significant that Marian Anderson sang at Constitution Hall?

6 Word Structure luckymessymodestyhonesty specificitynormalityformalitynecessity monument/Lincoln Memorial that magnificent singer/Marian Anderson servantapplicantcoolantassistant

7 suffix- is found at the end of a base word. –y having the quality of, state, or condition ex: honesty –ity having the quality of, condition of, or state of ex: necessity -ant being in a particular state or one who. ex: defiant Levels of Specificity It narrows done a topic. insect beetle ladybug

8 What do you know about Civil Rights Movement in the United States? “You can know where you are going in this world only if you know where you’ve been!”

9 CPW CluesProblems Wonderings

10 From the 1880s to the 1960s, states and cities throughout the nation practiced segregation. They required separate spaces for white and black Americans. Black Americans could not sit in the same places, drink from the same water fountains, or use the same facilities as white Americans. These laws, known as separate-but-equal laws, were anything but equal. The black Americans were treated unfairly and discriminated against in most settings. The laws were also called Jim Crow laws after a character in a minstrel show. The civil rights movement worked in opposition to these unfair laws, seeking to gain equality for African Americans.

11 Setting: Miss Ida’s Porch Who is sitting on the porch? What are they doing on the porch? How is this connected to the theme heritage? The dedication of the Lincoln Memorial. Ms. Anderson sang at the Lincoln Memorial, because she was not allowed to sing at Constitution Hall. 25 years later: Ms. Anderson is singing at Constitution Hall for a farewell concert. This is a frame story. A frame story is a story within a story. The first two pages of this selection is the picture frame, and the setting is the frame for the story within the story.

12 attitude noun A way of acting, thinking, or feeling claim verb To declare as one’s own

13 magnificent adj. Outstanding; excellent spellbound adj. Fascinated; filled with delight or wonder

14 civilizations noun An advanced human society in which agriculture, trade, government, art, and science are highly developed section noun A part of an area

15 concert noun A musical performance finest adj. Most excellent

16 forbidden noun Off-limits trolley noun A streetcar that runs on tracks and gets its power from and electric wire overhead

17 After completion of test, please file. Must Do: Complete or correct your “Sentence 4 Square” Correct your sequencing sheet. Use strategies discussed. 1. Read sequencing choices 2. Read passage completely one time. 3. Read a second time, underlining details. 4. Sequence at the bottom referring to the key details underlined. Journal Writing: In reading response section, write a comparing and contrasting paragraph. Compare and Contrast the 4 stories read in our Unit 1. Discuss the ways in which Heritage was passed down in each story. Use key words. different same alike difference although similar however as well as on the other handmore/most both but in contrast to MAY DO: READ

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