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Next Steps…. Alix Sheppard East of England Scheme Coordinator East of England Public Health Practitioner Registration Scheme.

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Presentation on theme: "Next Steps…. Alix Sheppard East of England Scheme Coordinator East of England Public Health Practitioner Registration Scheme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Next Steps…. Alix Sheppard East of England Scheme Coordinator East of England Public Health Practitioner Registration Scheme


3 Practitioners  Submit the Practitioner Application form by Friday 9 th January  Applications will be considered by the EoE Steering Group and 25 applicants will be selected to attend the first Introductory Day for Practitioners

4  Attend UKPHR Introductory Day facilitated by a representative from the UKPHR Friday 27 th February 2015 (Cambridge) The training day provides a comprehensive overview into: 1. the portfolio building process 2. the steps involved to be assessed 3. The support available to become a registered public health professional with the UKPHR

5 Practitioners apply to belong to a portfolio development group (action learning sets) Q. What is the purpose of the Portfolio Development Group?  To help each set member learn from finding solutions to their own issue, problem, project, opportunity, dilemma etc  To enable set members to benefit from the shared wisdom and experience of colleagues  To share the cycle of planning, acting, reflecting and concluding so set members learn with and from each other  A practitioner would usually attend between 4 – 6 groups (each session lasts a day) during the programme

6  Identify and proactively address gaps in competencies Professional Development Days: ◦ Ethical and legal decision making ◦ Introduction to epidemiology ◦ Tackling health inequalities ◦ Introduction to the key concepts and models in HPPH ◦ Finding the evidence ◦ Critical appraisal  Link to supervision and annual appraisal

7 Apply for an assessor  Practitioners are usually expected to apply for an assessor within 6-12 months of joining a portfolio development group  Practitioners can either submit their entire portfolio or alternatively can submit ‘chunks’ for assessment.  Therefore, to apply for an assessor, practitioners must submit (at least) the first chunk of their portfolio which will usually consist of a minimum of 8-12 indicators  Submissions must be electronic via the e-portfolio system

8  Deadline for Expressions of Interest for Assessors and Verifiers is Friday 13 th February 2015  Training for Assessors will be held on Friday 3 rd July and Monday 6 th July (Cambridge, attendance at both days is essential)  Training for Verifiers will be held during September 2015 (Date and Venue TBC)

9  Portfolio Development Groups  Networking meetings (online and tele-cons)  Regular scheme updates by newsletter  Support and information provided by Scheme Coordinator-Steering Group- monthly meetings – National Coordinator updates

10 The EoE scheme will be using the e portfolio system for practitioners to gather supporting evidence and submit for assessment.  Secure website requiring no additional specialist hardware or software  Reduced costs – paper, printing, time and transport  All evidence is securely stored in one place, is easily accessible, uploaded and visible online  Encourages a range of electronic and multimedia files to be used as evidence  Provides a thorough audit trail as all communication, contact and feedback can be instantly uploaded and managed in one place  Able to easily track individual practitioners progress through a status bar provides a paper-free system and enables safe sending of documents to your appointed Assessor.

11 E-portfolio system interface


13 Contacts Alix Sheppard East of England Scheme Coordinator 01206 308195 07708 705150 Carolyn Menin East of England Scheme Administrator 01603 289095 07525 892128 _id=3122

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