2014 “Theme Night” Student Competition Here’s your chance to show your sports marketing savvy, creativity and expertise with a chance to win some really.

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Presentation on theme: "2014 “Theme Night” Student Competition Here’s your chance to show your sports marketing savvy, creativity and expertise with a chance to win some really."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 “Theme Night” Student Competition Here’s your chance to show your sports marketing savvy, creativity and expertise with a chance to win some really cool prizes! Here are the rules (and a few ideas to help get you started)…

2 What are walk up or promotional ticket sales? What do we mean by “game day” (or fan) experience? What is the frequency escalator as it relates to ticket sales?

3 Promotional / Walk Up Ticket Sales “Walk up” tickets refer to those tickets purchased by fans when arriving at the game, also referred to as day of game sales. To help drive up ticket sales on game days (typically organizations only have so many seats that are sold in packages, season tickets or otherwise) teams will plan creative promotions to encourage fans to come out and enjoy a game (and buy tickets)! Often times teams will come up with a creative “theme” to draw fans to the game.

4 Game Day / Fan Experience The spectator or fan experience as it relates to live events refers to the overall impression made on the sports or entertainment consumer It can determine whether the spectator or fan has a positive or negative experience at the game or event Positive or negative associations with the game or event ultimately determine whether the spectator (fan) will become a repeat customer

5 The Frequency Escalator The frequency escalator is a marketing tool that examines the attendance levels of fans. The basic concept of the escalator is that sports and entertainment marketers focus not on getting new fa ns to games, but rather encourage those fans already attending to attend with more frequency with an increased level of commitment. For example, a fan that buys a promotional single game ticket is a potential new buyer for a mini package or flex ticket package and eventually a potential season ticket buyer.

6 Class Discussion As a class, discuss why these are all important sports marketing concepts for any team that hopes to generate a profit…

7 STUDENT / CLASS COMPETITION Either as a class or individually, students are encouraged to come up with their OWN promotional ticket night idea. Three students will be selected as winners and are eligible to win some cool prizes.

8 CRITERIA Students must explain how this promotion will help attract fans to the game (and identify what type of game…NHL, MLS NBA, minor league baseball?) and generate publicity for the organization w/ a possible sponsor (or cause marketing) tie-in Students should consider ALL the variables that impact the fan experience…concessions, food, ticket price, game entertainment etc. Students must explain how they will promote the event (social media, advertising etc.) Students should have fun!

9 EXAMPLES Team may host a “Hawaiian Night”, offering $5 off tickets to any fans wearing tropical shirts to the game. Game operations may choose to implement: *An all staff memo or email, encouraging the m to dress in tropical attire if they plan to attend the game

10 EXAMPLES *National anthem performance by a Hawaiian musician or ukulele player *Hawaiian lei or tropical themed bobblehead give‐away to the first 500 fans *A limbo contest at a quarter break *Hawaiian music or bands on the venue concourse *A hammock free throw shooting contest at half time Hawaiian themed food at concessions stands


12 Star Wars Night

13 Syracuse Chiefs Bark in the Park Bring your favorite four-legged friend to NBT Bank Stadium for Bark in the Park Night. Fans can bring their dogs to the stadium for seating in the designated dog area, sections 209-217. Fans bringing dogs to the game are encouraged to arrive early for a pet parade on the warning track at 6 p.m.. During the game, there will be a pet expo on the stadium concourse filled with pet-related information from rescue groups throughout the area. Dog owners can purchase tickets for $5 in addition to a required $2 seat for their dog. As a bonus, the first 500 dogs in attendance will receive a bandana, and the first 1,000 fans will receive a poster of a Chiefs player courtesy of UnitedHealthcare. Both promotions are part of our Giveaway Saturday series.

14 All entries are due (and at least one visual must be included) by Friday, December 5 th … GOOD LUCK!

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