Course Introduction Computer Science Department CS141:Computer Programming 1 Fall 2014 Dr. Hamid Al-Hamadi.

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1 Course Introduction Computer Science Department CS141:Computer Programming 1 Fall 2014 Dr. Hamid Al-Hamadi

2 Course Description Major topics covered in the course

3 Course Outcomes

4 Course Information Text Book: Title: Java How to Program Author: Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel Publisher: 9/E, Prentice Hall, 2012. Prerequisites: None Lecture: Sun, Tues, Thurs 9:00 -9:50 am. 11KH 207 Email: Office Hours: Sun, Tues, Thurs 12:00-2:00pm or by appointment.

5 Labs Mon, Wed 3:30-4:45pm CS-141/51 : location: MCC5 TA: Noura Alateeqi email: CS-141/52 : location: MCC3 TA: Reem Aldaihani email: TA Office Hours: consult with TA

6 Grading Policy 15% Midterm 1 15% Midterm 2 15% Lab 15% Homework/ quiz 40% Final

7 General Remarks Home works must be submitted electronically to the TA before of the end of the due date. Homework discussion is encouraged but the final solution should be done individually. Copying/cheating will result in a minimum punishment of a zero on that assignment. No Make-up Midterm or Quizzes will be given. All enrolled students are expected to attend the class. According to Kuwait University rules, a student who misses more than 6 classes will automatically get an FA grade and will not be allowed to attend the final exam. Usage of mobile phones is strictly forbidden during the class time.

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