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 Soviet communism – state controls all property and economic activity -> Communist Party is the only political party  Vs.  Capitalist America- private.

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3  Soviet communism – state controls all property and economic activity -> Communist Party is the only political party  Vs.  Capitalist America- private citizens control most economic activity -> people elect a pres. and Congress from various political parties  Stalin had been an ally of Hitler  U.S. kept atomic bomb secret

4  Representatives from 50 nations meet in San Francisco to create world peace organization -> United Nations (UN) is created on June 26, 1945

5  Final wartime conference July 1945  Stalin agrees to allow free elections in E. Europe – vote by secret ballot in multi- party system -> but then breaks his promise

6  Truman wants to spread democracy  Truman does not want Russia to take war reparations from Germany  U.S. wants to rebuild Eastern Europe in order to help the American economy  Stalin is worried about future invasions from the west -> communist governments are installed in Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Poland (satellite countries)  Stalin says war is inevitable

7  U.S. view Soviets as a real threat  George K. Kennan, American diplomat in Moscow, issues a policy of containment -> prevent the extension of communist rule to other countries  Europe becomes divided into political regions -> democratic Western Europe vs. communist Eastern Europe -> “Iron Curtain”

8  A conflict between the U.S. and Soviet Union -> no direct fights on the battlefield  1945-1991

9  Financial support is given to countries to prevent the spread of communism  $400 million is given to Turkey and Greece

10  Western Europe had been destroyed  Millions were in refugee camps  Severe winter 1946-1947  U.S. Secretary of State, George Marshall, proposes giving aid  16 countries receive $13 billion from 1947-1952 and their economies recover

11  Germany had been divided into four zones (U.S., G. Britain, France, Soviet Union)  Berlin (East Germany) is divided into two parts (West + East)  Stalin decides to take all of Berlin and closes all roads into Western Berlin  2.1 million people only had enough food for 5 weeks

12  U.S. and G. Britain fly food and supplies into West Berlin  Planes landed for 327 days  Prestige of the U.S. grow  Soviet Union ends the blockade  West Germany and East Germany are created  Berlin is controlled by West and East

13  Defensive military alliance is created after the Berlin blockade  Belgium, Denmark, France, G. Britain, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Holland, Norway, Portugal, U.S., Canada  500,000 troops provide the military support for the alliance


15  Nationalists led by Chiang Kai-shek -> corrupt  Communists led by Mao Zedong helped the peasants -> gain control in the north  Which leader is supported by the U.S.?

16  Nationalists vs. Communists  U.S. sends $2 billion worth of military equipment  Nationalists lose -> flee to Taiwan  Communists take over China  Republicans and Democrats criticized Pres. Truman for not doing enough

17  WWII ends -> Japanese surrender to Soviets in the north and to Americans in the South  1948 - Republic of Korea (South) vs. Communist led Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North)

18  June 1950  United Nations votes to send troops to help South Korea  520,000 troops are sent (90% American)

19  MacArthur leads UN army in many successful battles against the North Koreans  Communist China sends 300,000 troops to help North Korea  Chinese outnumber UN forces 10 to 1  Stalemate for two years  Truman rejects MacArthur’s request to use nuclear weapons on China and fires him shortly after

20  July 1953 the war ends  Korea remains divided  54,000 Americans die  $67 billion  Fear of communism increases in America


22  Have you ever been put in a situation in which your guilt, rather than your innocence, is presumed and you have to try to prove you are innocent? Is it difficult to prove the truth once a lie has been told?

23  Communist Soviet Union controls Eastern Europe  Communists take over China  100,000 Americans in the Communist Party

24  Truman is pressured to set up the Loyalty Review Board  To investigate govt. employees and fire the disloyal ones  212 of 3.2 million investigated were fired  They were not allowed to see evidence

25  Investigates communist influence in the movie industry  Hollywood Ten – ten witness from the movie industry went to jail after refusing to testify  Hollywood executives created a blacklist – 500 actors with a communist background lost their jobs  1950 – Congress passes the McCarran Internal Security Act -> any action that could lead to a totalitarian dictatorship in the U.S. was illegal

26  Alger Hiss – State Department (foreign policy) official  1949 - Soviets explode atomic bomb 3-5 years ahead of schedule  Ethel and Julius Rosenberg – Jewish and members of Communist Party – were found guilty of espionage and sentenced to death

27  1. What organization does the car represent?  2. What does the cartoon imply about the methods of this organization?

28  Joseph McCarthy – ineffective senator from Wisconsin who says Communists are taking over the U.S. govt.  Tells Senate he knows of thousands of Communists in the State Dept.  McCarthyism – accusing people of disloyalty without providing evidence  Not reelected after he makes false accusations against the Army

29  States make it illegal to advocate the violent overthrow of the govt.  Many professions required loyalty oaths

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31  1. How did the Loyalty Review Board pose a threat to civil liberties?  2. Why was Hollywood a target for anti- Communist investigations by Congress?  3. Why did the cases of Alger Hiss and the Rosenbergs increase the anti-communist mood of Americans?  4. After watching the cartoon, how would you compare capitalism to communism?


33  Soviets develop atomic bomb 1949  Pres. Truman authorizes development of hydrogen bomb (H-bomb)  U.S. has H-bomb in 1952 and Soviets follow less than a year later  Pres. Eisenhower is influenced by Sec. of State John Foster Dulles (anti-communist)  U.S. should go to the edge of an all out war -> contain the spread of communism by promising to use all of its force

34  Decrease size of army and navy and expand air force  Produce more nuclear bombs

35  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) – 1947  Uses spies to gather information about other countries  Conducts covert operations to overthrow governments “unfriendly to the U.S.”

36  1953 – CIA overthrows Iranian government after fearing that the Iranians would ally themselves with the Soviets  1954 – CIA helps train an army to overthrown the Pres. of Guatemala for being a Communist sympathizer

37  Soviet Union fears W. Germany after joining NATO and rearming

38  Eisenhower’s “open skies” proposal is rejected by the Soviet Union

39  U.S. agrees to help Egypt build a dam on the Nile but withdraws their loan after learning the Soviets also have a deal  Egypt nationalizes Suez Canal  G. Britain, France, Israel send troops  Soviet Union supports Egypt  Eisenhower Doctrine – 1957 – U.S. would defend the M. East against an attack by any communist country

40  Hungarians revolt and demand a democratic government  S. Union crushes it  U.S. does not follow the Truman Doctrine in the satellites of the Soviet Union

41  Nikita Khrushchev leads Soviet Union when Stalin dies in 1953  Believes communism will take over the world but peacefully

42  Soviets launch Sputnik (1957) – the world’s first artificial satellite  Americans launch its first satellite in 1958

43  CIA makes secret high- altitude flights over Soviet Union to take photos of missile sites  Francis Gary Powers, U-2, pilot is brought down by a Soviet plane  Eisenhower stops secret flights but no apology  Khrushchev calls off meeting with Eisenhower

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