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Fact of the Day There are 3.7 million teachers in America.

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2 Fact of the Day There are 3.7 million teachers in America.

3 If you could have any job, what job would you have? This is your dream job

4 What is your dream job? My dream job is to be a….

5 Doctor

6 Teacher

7 Government Official

8 Artist

9 Computer Programmer Person who makes computers work

10 Engineer Person who plans how to build things

11 Journalist also called “reporter” Writes about current events

12 Entrepreneur Person who starts a business, for example, selling cars

13 My dream job is to be a…




17 Why is this your dream job?

18 I’m really interested in _________. Examples: …Culture …Working with children …Building things …Politics …Food …Technology (ie- electronics) … My dream job is to be a computer programmer because I’m really interested in technology.

19 Why is this your dream job? My dream job is to be a __________ because I’m really interested in _____________. Doctor Teacher Government official Entrepreneur Engineer Artist Computer Programmer Journalist

20 I want to ___________. Examples: …See the world (travel) …Help people …Be creative …Challenge myself …Understand current events (news) … My dream job is to be a journalist because I want to see the world and understand current events.

21 Why is this your dream job? My dream job is to be a __________ because I want to _____________. Doctor Teacher Government official Entrepreneur Engineer Artist Computer programmer Journalist

22 What skills do you need for your dream job?

23 To do this job well, I will need to be ___________. Examples: …a talented writer …a careful listener …a good communicator …good at working with other people …good with computers … My dream job is to be a doctor because I really like helping people. To do this job well, I will need to be a careful listener.

24 You want to be a: 1. engineer 2. artist 3. journalist To do this job well, I will need to be _______________.

25 The World of Work video “Global Viewpoints”: The World of Work 1. What are Kumiko’s dream jobs? 2. Why is Jackie’s dream job teaching? 3. What skills would Calum need for his dream job as a reporter?

26 1.What are Kumiko’s dream jobs? Kumiko’s dream jobs are teaching Japanese and training dogs. The World of Work video

27 1.Why is Jackie’s dream job teaching? Jackie really likes working with children and she wants to help them learn. The World of Work video

28 1.What skills does Calum need for his dream job? To do this job well, Calum will need to be a good writer, a good communicator, and well-informed. The World of Work video

29 Practice: Job advisor meeting A student and a job advisor will meet to talk about the student’s dream job. Job advisor: a person who helps other people find their dream jobs

30 Practice: Job advisor meeting A student and a job advisor will meet to talk about the student’s dream job. You will practice with your partner being both the student and job advisor. As the student, you will: 1. Tell what your dream job is and why. 2. Ask what skills you will need for your dream job. As the job advisor, you will: 1. Ask the student what their dream job is and why. 2. Give at least 2 skills the student will need for their dream job.

31 Job Advisor Meeting Job advisor: Hello. How can I help you today? Student: I hope you can help me find my dream job. Job advisor: Sure! What is your dream job? Student: My dream job is to be an artist. Job advisor: Interesting! Why is this your dream job? Student: I really like being creative and I’m really interested in culture. What skills do I need for this job? Job advisor: Hmmm…To do this job well, you will need to be extremely hardworking and original. Student: Ok, I will work on that. Thank you! Job advisor: Ok, great! You are welcome to come back anytime!

32 Practice: Job advisor meeting A student and a job advisor will meet to talk about the student’s dream job. You will practice with your partner being both the student and job advisor. As the student, you will: 1. Tell what your dream job is and why. 2. Ask what skills you will need for your dream job. As the job advisor, you will: 1. Ask the student what their dream job is and why. 2. Give at least 2 skills the student will need for their dream job.

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