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Chapter 1 What is Food Science?.

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1 Chapter 1 What is Food Science?

2 Chp. 1 Vocabulary & Questions
Food Science- the study of producing, processing, preparing, evaluating, and using food. Biotechnology- Improving plants, animals, and microorganisms using the tools of modern genetics. Food chain- a process through which matter and energy transfer between organisms as food.

3 R & D specialist- A food scientist who helps create, modify, and market food products. They participate in all aspects of product development. How does food science help people who cook in restaurants or at home? Food science explains the whys behind so many kitchen processes.

4 Why do manufacturers need to evaluate their products?
Initially it is done to see if a food can be created at a reasonable cost. Later, a food is evaluated to refine a product before test marketing with consumers. Describe the impact of 2 people on the advancement of food science.

5 1. Sir Frances Bacon- his personal experimentation showed him to be a food scientist long before the term existed. 2. George Washington Carver- developed numerous uses for peanuts, pecans, & sweet potatoes. 3. Clarence Birdseye- helped the frozen food industry get started.

6 Fannie Farmer- Wrote the Boston Cooking Cook Book.
Justus von Liebeg- Chemist who explained some things that cooks achieve in his book, Researches on the Chemistry of Food.

7 8. Why do people need to make a thorough use of foods grown on earth?
As growing consumer demand strains the earth’s resources, getting the most from every resource gains urgency.

8 Food Science The study of producing, processing, preparing, evaluating, and using food. Covers the branches of science, including biology, botany, physiology, zoology, bacteriology, but mostly organic chemistry and physics. Whew! Daily life is filled with events that demonstrate the close relationship between food and the scientific world.

9 History of Food Science
Sir Francis Bacon- English scientist, writer, philosopher. On his way home one day, he stopped to buy a chicken. He wanted to see how stuffing the bird with snow would affect the “conservation” of bodies. He developed bronchitis and died soon after.

10 The 1800’s Bacon’s method & curiosity were typical of food science research for many years. The first food science “textbooks” may have been cookbooks. Recipes are trial & error. Justus von Liebeg- wrote Researches on the Chemistry of Food, there he described some things that cooks achieve in his book.

11 Fannie Farmer- wrote Boston Cooking School Cook Book
Fannie Farmer- wrote Boston Cooking School Cook Book. She hoped that by writing this book she would “would awaken an interest…which will lead to deeper thought and broader study of what to eat.” George Washington Carver- developed over 100 products from peanuts, pecans, & sweet potatoes.

12 In the early 1900’s, advances in technology gave rise to commercial food processing.
In 1925, Clarence Birdseye helped the frozen foods industry get started with a method for freezing fish.

13 Food Science Today Food science has advanced rapidly in recent decades. Diet products, fat-free products, disease killing substances for poultry.

14 Areas of Food Science Food Science is part of every stage in the production, processing, evaluation, and use of food. 1. Food Production- Over the years people have developed many techniques for raising crops and animals for food. Food chain- the process by which matter & energy transfer between organisms as food. Ex. Seeds>Plants>Animals>People eat both.

15 Biotechnology- Using modern genetics in the age-old process of improving plants, animals, and microorganisms for food production. Through biotechnology, scientists improve agricultural products by enhancing or eliminating traits that a plant or animal inherits. Ex. Turning on a plant’s natural defense to avoid using pesticides.

16 Areas of Food Science 2. Food processing- takes food that has been produced and puts it through steps to create the final marketable result. Researchers in food science may help develop processing methods that retain greater food quality. The work of a food scientist often takes place in a food laboratory.

17 Quality control specialists- Monitor each step in processing, help ensure that final products meet government, industry, and company standards. They determine whether raw products meet purchasing specifications. They check for sanitary conditions, temperature, and humidity of storage facilities. They can also test for nutrient content for food labels.

18 Areas of Food Science 3. Food Preparation- Experts in this area help decide the best preparation methods for the products you buy. They determine times, temperatures, and other factors. Food science explains the whys behind so many kitchen processes. Ex. Why does a sauce thicken?

19 Areas of Food Science 4. Evaluation of food- “Will people buy this product?” Food scientists work with other experts to refine a product’s taste, texture, appearance, and other qualities. A food design consultant might suggest changing the sweetener used in a recipe, while a flavor chemist can explain how that change would chemically alter the product and affect taste. Evaluation is a before and after process.

20 Ex. Frozen dinners are in larger supply than ever and have improved greatly over the earliest products. Why do you think that has happened?

21 Areas of Food Science 5. Utilization of food- Can you name 10 things made from soybeans? The search to find new uses for food products. Ex. Using soybeans for various items, ex., soybean oil, newsprint, soy milk. As growing consumer demands strains the earth’s resources, getting the most from every resource is important.

22 Nutrition Science Questioning minds used to wonder why people eat food. They began to connect foods to the way the body functions. Although much has been learned over the years, many ? still await answers. Some scientists create nutritious food products. Others refine foods to make them better for you. Still others draw conclusions about what you should be eating and give recommendations.

23 Science in Real Life Science principles are applied to food everywhere- in farm fields, in food processing plants, in home and restaurant kitchens, and in research laboratories. Until now, you might have not noticed the interesting connection between food and science and this class will help you understand it.

24 Identify a food that you enjoy
Identify a food that you enjoy. How do you think a food scientist would be involved in the production, processing, and marketing of that food product?

25 Chp. 1 Vocabulary & Questions
1. Food Science 2. Biotechnology 3. Food chain 4. R&D Specialist 5. How does food science help people who cook in restaurants or at home? 6. Why do manufacturers need to evaluate their products?

26 7. Describe the impact of two people on the advancement of food science.
8. Why do people need to make thorough use of the foods grown on earth? 9. What is biotechnology? Give 2 examples. 10. How is food science related to nutrition?

27 Vocabulary & Questions
Food Science- The study of how foods are produced, processed, & used. Biotechnology- Improving plants, animals, & microorganisms using modern techniques of genetics. Food chain- The process through which matter & energy transfer between organisms as food.

28 R & D Specialist- A food scientist who helps create, modify, & market food products.
How does food science help people who cook in restaurant or at home? Helps determine times, temperatures, and other factors about how different food components react to various conditions. Food Science explains the whys behind so may kitchen processes.

29 Why do manufacturers need to evaluate their products
Why do manufacturers need to evaluate their products? Initially, to decide whether a food can be created at a reasonable cost. Later, it helps refine a product before test marketing with consumers. Describe the impact of 2 people on the advancement of food science. Sir Frances Bacon- English scientist whose personal experimentation showed him to be a food scientist long before the term existed.

30 George Washington Carver- developed numerous uses for plants, sweet potatoes, and pecans.
Fannie Farmer- Wrote Boston Cooking School Cook Book, hoping that her book would lead to a broader study of what to eat. Clarence Birdseye- helped the frozen foods industry get started.

31 Why do people need to make thorough use of the food grown on earth
Why do people need to make thorough use of the food grown on earth? As growing consumer demand strains the earth’s resources, getting the most from every resource gains urgency. What is biotechnology? Scientists use the tools of modern genetics in the age-old process of improving plants, animals, & microorganisms for food production.

32 Give 2 examples. 1)Improving agricultural products by enhancing or eliminating traits that a plant or animal inherits. 2)Alter the organism’s genetic material to speed the natural process. How is food science related to nutrition? Science principles are applied to food everywhere.

33 Word Bank Sir Francis Bacon Laboratory
George Washington Carver Nutrition Clarence Birdseye Safety Chemistry Cooperation Food industry Packaging Textbook *Not all the words will be used

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