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FNS 742 - Verification Collection Report Introduction September 2014 Prepared by RI Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Child Nutrition Programs.

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1 FNS 742 - Verification Collection Report Introduction September 2014 Prepared by RI Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Child Nutrition Programs

2 1 FNS 742 Verification Collection Report  All School Food Authorities (SFAs) operating the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and/or the School Breakfast Program (SBP) are required to complete the FNS 742 Verification Collection Report annually. SFAs with all schools that are exempt from verification must complete the applicable sections only.  Data collected from these forms will be submitted to the USDA by RIDE.  A new web form, designed to replicate the USDA paper form, will be available in the CNP CONNECT Child Nutrition Program System for SFAs to complete.  Business rules will manage the relationships between data fields, and provide users with error messages that are concise and easy to understand. A complete list of error messages will be presented.  Users will be able to save incomplete forms and return to the system at a later session.  Forms must be completed and error free in order to submit to RIDE for approval.

3 2 FNS 742 Verification Collection Report The FNS 742 Report is organized into FIVE Sections: 1.Total Schools, RCCIs and Enrolled Students 2.SFAs Operating with Alternate Provisions 3.Students Approved as Free Eligible, NOT Subject to Verification 4.Students Approved as Free/Reduced Price by Household Applications 5.Verification Processes and Number of Applications Verified

4 3 Identification Block The Identification Block will be automatically populated with the information for the SFA that is completing the form.

5 4 1. Total Schools, RCCIs and Enrolled Students  SFAs will report the number of schools, RCCIs and enrolled students  Numeric values only will be entered in Column A and B  Simple validity checks will be applied; for example, Column B must be greater than 0 when Column A is greater than 0, and vise versa.

6 5 2. SFAs Operating with Alternate Provisions  Only SFAs operating under alternate provisions will update this section; all other SFAs will skip to Section 3

7 3. Students Approved as Free Eligible, NOT Subject to Verification  If all schools and RCCIs in your SFA are not required to perform direct certification with SNAP, check the box and skip to Section 4.  All other SFAs must respond to each question with a numeric value; 0 is valid. 6

8 4. Students Approved as Free/Reduced Price by Household Applications  SFAs that use household applications must respond to each question with a numeric value; 0 is valid.  All other SFAs can skip to Section 5 7

9 5. Verification Processes Used and Number of Applications Verified 8  If all schools and RCCIs in your SFA are exempt from verification, check the box no further reporting in Section 5 is required.  All other SFAs must respond to the questions

10 5. Verification Processes Used and Number of Applications Verified ( Continued) 9  Continue to respond to the questions on the Results of Verification

11 Error Messages 10  A sample of Error Messages is shown below.

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