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 Necessary materials: PowerPoint Guide Teacher Information!

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1  Necessary materials: PowerPoint Guide Teacher Information!

2 History of Game Management Fish and Wildlife Resources

3 Students will be able to…  Discuss history of wildlife conservation  Describe important game management laws

4 History of Wildlife Conservation  Era of Abundance (1600-1849) Game were abundant Era of settlement Predators considered dangerous  bounties Wildlife began to decline Martin v. Waddell (1842)  Fish & wildlife belong to the public

5 History of Wildlife Conservation Era of Exploitation (1850-1899) Tremendous decline in wildlife  Bison hunted to near extinction Market hunting popular Settlers believed wildlife resources were endlessly abundant Concern begins to arise.

6 History of Wildlife Conservation Era of Protection (1900-1929) Declining wildlife populations  Signaled need for change 1 st national wildlife refuges were established Lacey Act (1900)  Federal offense to move poached wildlife across state boundaries Migratory Bird Act (1929)  Protect migratory waterfowl species

7 History of Wildlife Conservation  Era of Game Management (1930-1965) Use wildlife on a sustainable basis Focus on game species Aldo Leopold—Game Management  Described ways to manage wildlife and habitat

8 History of Wildlife Conservation  Era of Game Management (1930-1965) Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act (1929)  Money for acquiring land for migratory birds Lea Act (1948)  Provide federal land for waterfowl feeding areas Pittman-Robertson & Dingell-Johnson Act (1950)  State taxes on guns, ammunition, tackle  $$  state fish and game depts.

9 History of Wildlife Conservation  Era of Environmental Management (1966-1984) Focus shifts  Game animals  all species and habitats Endangered Species Act (1966)  Secretary of the Interior keeps a list of endangered and threatened species (and habitats) EPA (1970)  Regulates federal environmental laws

10 History of Wildlife Conservation  Era of Global Cooperation and Protection (1985- present) Wildlife don’t know boundaries… Management requires cooperation between nations, states, and landowners.

11 Review  Discuss history of wildlife conservation  Describe important game management laws

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