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Wildlife Management Species. Unit Map Set Up Unit name: Wildlife management Unit Essential Question: How can we manage wildlife to provide the best biodiversity?

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Presentation on theme: "Wildlife Management Species. Unit Map Set Up Unit name: Wildlife management Unit Essential Question: How can we manage wildlife to provide the best biodiversity?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wildlife Management Species

2 Unit Map Set Up Unit name: Wildlife management Unit Essential Question: How can we manage wildlife to provide the best biodiversity?

3 Lesson Essential Question What are the different species of wildlife?

4 History Mammals, birds, and fish enabled the early pioneers to survive. Meat=food skins=shelter and clothing Oil from animal fat=kept firearms usable and light in cabins

5 History Species of wildlife, such as bears and cougars were killed because they were a ‘threat’

6 Niche Niche- Role an organism or population plays within it community or ecosystem Why is this important?

7 Species- Rare Rare- populations are very small and usually in one area EX: snowy owl (Harry potter), blue- footed boobies (Galapagos islands), clouded leopard (Asia), woolly mammoth (Siberia), star-nosed mole (eastern North America)

8 Species- Rare Snowy Owl

9 Species- Rare Blue Footed Boobies

10 Species- Rare Clouded Leopard

11 Species- Rare Woolly Mammoth

12 Species- Rare Star-nosed Mole

13 Species- Threatened and Endangered Threatened species- a species that is likely to become endangered in the near future Endangered species- in danger of becoming extinct

14 Species- Endangered DE Bald Eagle (24 species of Birds)

15 Species- Endangered DE Red-headed Woodpecker

16 Species- Endangered DE Reptiles: 6 species, 5 are turtles, and Corn Snake

17 Species- Endangered DE Amphibians- Eastern Tiger Salamander and Barking Tree frog

18 Species- Endangered DE Mammals- Delmarva Fox Squirrel

19 Species- Endangered DE Fish- Atlantic Sturgeon

20 Species- Endangered DE Mollusks- 6 species, Yellow Lampmussel, Brook Floater

21 Species- Endangered DE Insects- 9 species, little white tiger beetle, frosted elfin, rare skipper, and more

22 Species- Extinct Extinct species- no longer exist outside of museums and photographs

23 Species- Extinct Passenger Pigeon

24 Species- Extinct Carolina Parakeet

25 Species- Extinct Heath Hen

26 Activity: Research Extinct animals. Pick a species, research how they became extinct. Are there any regulations that came out after they became extinct?

27 Wildlife Management Habitat and Population Control

28 Warm-up What was special about your extinct species?

29 Lesson Essential Question How is population controlled?

30 Habitat Requirements for Wildlife Food: Herbivores (plant eaters) Carnivores (meat eaters) Insectivores (insect eaters) Frugivores (fruit eaters) Omnivores (eat many different foods) Spermivores (seed eaters)

31 Habitat Requirements for Wildlife Food: Euryphagus- consumes great variety of food Stenophagus- animal that eats a specialized diet

32 Habitat Requirements for Wildlife Cover: Animals must have a place to protect them from weather conditions. EX: fences, trees, water, furrow, etc.

33 Habitat Requirements for Wildlife Water: Most important requirement. Bodies of most animals consist of 60-80% water Water important for blood composition, temperature regulation, and nutrient transport No water= no wildlife

34 Habitat Requirements for Wildlife Home Range- area which game travels Territory- area an animal will defend even to death Home range will overlap

35 Population Control Every animal reproduces. Why aren’t we over run with mice?

36 Population Control All species need shelter, food, water and safety area= habitat Limiting factors- something that will limit the species. Food, water, sunlight, predators, disease or something else.

37 Population Control Carrying Capacity- no single species can ever reproduce without limit.

38 Population Control Logistic curve- shows how population of an organism in a given habitat grows at an increasing rate until limiting factors start to slow and eventually stop the population increase altogether.

39 Population Control Methods Hunting Re-Introduce Natural Predators Controlled Burns Prevent Human Feeding of Animal High Fencing around crops and Plants

40 Activity Owl Pellet dissection lab

41 Activity Extinction: Is it inevitable?

42 Wildlife Management Game Management Procedures

43 Warm-up Name the ways to control population.

44 Lesson Essential Question How is game managed?

45 Game Management Game Refuges- land set aside for the protection of wildlife species. Provides basics for survival (no hunters) No protection once leave refuge No protection from natural predators

46 Game Management Habitat Development – development and improvement of food, water, and shelter for wildlife Fences for Cover Woodland Management- allow livestock to graze (decrease in game) or not graze (increase in game)

47 Game Management Coordination with other resources  Work with farms to leave a row or two of crops for wildlife feed

48 Game Management Hunting Regulations Hunting-killing of game for food or pleasure Bag limits- restrict the # of animals one can take per day, season, etc.

49 Game Management Hunting Regulations Bison crisis created solutions to over hunting Hunting controlled on public and private lands Hunting seasons and closed seasons change each year in accordance to population size.

50 Game Management Predator Control- based on 2 beliefs Medium sized and large predators can be dangerous to people Predators can be a threat to domestic livestock and wild game

51 Game Management Beneficial Predators 1. Control on prey species by # of predators controlled 2. Predators feel on pests (rats and mice)

52 Game Management Beneficial Predators 3. Predators control practices keep species in a healthier condition 4. Predators help maintain improved game by killing weak and handicapped individuals

53 Game Management Artificial Stocking- stocking of game natural to the area or the introduction of species new to the area New species- to introduce new or additional species to an area or to supply predators for population problem. Dangerous

54 Game Management Artificial Stocking 2 principles carefully examined:  Wildlife biologist must examine the desired population density (# of game animals in a defined area)  Estimated Carrying Capacity

55 Game Management Artificial Stocking Estimated Carrying Capacity  Population increase- environmental problems  Too much game= starvation, unhealthy animals, disease problems

56 Game Management Individual Landowner Game Management.  Reading  Create a drawing of what you would include using hand out and book.  Write a description of what you included and why.

57 Wildlife Management Legislation and Game Management

58 Warm-up Name the 6 ways of game management.

59 Lesson Essential Question What legislation is enacted for wildlife management?

60 Lacey Act of 1900 First major law for wildlife Made it a federal offense to transport illegally taken wildlife across state boundaries

61 Migratory Bird Act of 1929 Provide refuges for migratory birds Broader statement of the Lacey Act

62 Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act of 1934 Gave federal government a way of raising money for acquiring lands for migratory game birds

63 Pittman-Robertson Program and Dingell-Johnson Act of 1950 Two laws Excise tax on guns, ammunition, and tackle by states Funds raised went to fish and game departments

64 Lea Act of 1948 Provided federal land for use as waterfowl feeding areas to lure birds from private cropland

65 Endangered Species Act of 1966 Gave the authority of examining and recommending procedures protecting rare and endangered species to the Fish and Wildlife Service

66 Book Work and Review Pg. 330 Discussion Questions Quiz Review

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