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Vlaamse Studiedag 29/09/2014 Pieter BREYNE –

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Presentation on theme: "Vlaamse Studiedag 29/09/2014 Pieter BREYNE –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vlaamse Studiedag 29/09/2014 Pieter BREYNE –

2 Savings potential EU – 243 billion € * e-Invoicing < 15% Catch 22

3 Role of the EU VAT Directive 2010/45/EU Simpler rules Standardisation – CEN/BII B2G e-Invoicing Directive 2014/55/EU Interoperability B2G e-Invoicing Directive 2014/55/EU e-PRIOR Leading by example

4 e-PRIOR Customer systems Traceability Integrity Non-repudiation Routing Archiving Supplier Portal Supplier System ABAC WORKFLOW Customer Portal COUNCIL’s SAP system Other BO systems … e-invoicing services e-ordering services e-fulfilment services e-catalogue services e-submission services …. e-invoicing services e-ordering services e-fulfilment services e-catalogue services e-submission services ….

5 Scope e-Access (TED e-Tendering) e-Requeste-Orderinge-Fulfilmente-Invoicing e-Notification (TED) e-Submission    e-Evaluatione-Awarding Post-Award modules Pre-Award modules e-Attestations (e.g. PEPPOL VCD) e-Catalogue  e-Payment   e-Notices / e-Senders  Publications Office DIGIT Developed by


7 How does it work?


9 Invoice automation Automated certified correct process Receive e- invoice Encode header data & attachment in the back- office system Review & complete invoice to check that invoice is justified and correct Approve invoice (Step 2) Manage payment request and payment order RECEIVE e-INVOICE e PROCESS PAYMENT DATA ENTRY INVOICE COMPLETION & REVIEW INVOICE APPROVAL ok STEP 1 Register debt in the accounts Create invoice based on paper receipt advice CREATE INVOICE Manual workflow

10 Invoice automation Automated certified correct process Receive e- invoice Encode header data & attachment in the back- office system Review & complete invoice to check that invoice is justified and correct Approve invoice (Step 2) Manage payment request and payment order RECEIVE e-INVOICE e PROCESS PAYMENT DATA ENTRY INVOICE COMPLETION & REVIEW INVOICE APPROVAL ok STEP 1 Register debt in the accounts Create invoice based on paper receipt advice CREATE INVOICE Manual workflow Automated step Partially automated step - action based on automatically provided data

11 Invoice automation Automated certified correct process Receive e- invoice containing e- receipt advice information RECEIVE e-INVOICE e INVOICE APPROVAL STEP 1 Automatic registration of debt in the accounts Automated workflow Automatic generation of e-invoice based on e- receipt advice CREATE e-INVOICE MATCHING & VALIDATION Automatic matching of invoice and order & business rules validation ok Approve invoice (Step 2) based on automated checks PROCESS PAYMENT Manage payment based on automatically generated CCCF* *CCCF: Certified Correct Control File e- 11 Automated process Process where human intervention is required but is based on automatically generated data

12 PEPPOL Buyer e-PRIOR and PEPPOL are fully interoperable thanks to CEN/BII Successful test with EHF of Norway

13 Open e-PRIOR Adoption of e-PRIOR e-Invoicing by Belgium: o First invoice in Production received in July 2014 o Adoption by the Federal Government, followed by the Regions of Flanders and Wallonia Pilot installations in Portugal, Ireland (pilot with 7 Service Providers), Norway, Croatia, … Other Member States interested to implement Open e-PRIOR : o Malta o Greece o Cyprus

14 e-PRIOR in Belgium

15 PEPPOL Mandatory for specific Framework Contracts e-PRIORDenmark B2G e-Invoicing Mandatory in 2005 70% after 3 years Close to 100% today

16 Where to start? @ePRIOR_EU

17 Invitation Vervolg op deze studiedag Organisatie door PwC Presentaties door Service Providers Doelpubliek – ambtenaren van de Vlaamse maar ook federale overheid Datum: 25/11 – vanaf 9 uur Plaats: VAC Leuven Deelnamekost: 100€

18 Thank you for your attention! Pieter Breyne PwC | Director Technology Consulting Direct: +32 9 268 82 55| Mobile: +32 473 91 06 91 Email:

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