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Multimedia in Presentations Justin Gray COMM 165.

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2 Multimedia in Presentations Justin Gray COMM 165

3 What is Multimedia? Multimedia is the integration of all sorts of media into one presentation. Multimedia presentations should include interactivity.

4 Steps in Developing Multimedia Presentations Plan and analyze Design Create Support

5 Plan and Analyze Determine the overall objective of the project, the resources required, and the person or team of people who will work on the project.

6 Design Create a story board for each page. (A story board is a device used to record the intended overall logic, flow, and structure of the presentation.)

7 Create Use a multimedia authoring program to create the interactive multimedia presentation.

8 Support Evaluate effectiveness, identify errors, and revise as needed.

9 Examples of Multimedia Presentations including… Video Music Voice Graphics Text

10 Interactivity Effective multimedia presentations incorporate user participation. Allows the user to choose the information to view, to control the pace and flow of information, and to respond to items and receive feedback.

11 Links and Buttons An interactive multimedia presentation is typically organized as a series of related pages - each presenting info. And providing links to related information. Buttons on a page can make help navigate through a presentation to locate and discover information.

12 Incorporating all of these aspects of multimedia will assure a well- rounded and successful presentation that will leave your audience informed and impressed.

13 The End

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