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Chapter 3 – Perception and Learning Part 2: Learning Feb. 3, 2009.

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1 Chapter 3 – Perception and Learning Part 2: Learning Feb. 3, 2009

2 Learning Permanent change in behavior as result of experience Book focuses on 2 types of learning: –Operant conditioning –Observational learning

3 Reinforcement Pos reinforcement – a pleasant stimuli is presented  increases the behavior in the future –often used to train, motivate Neg reinforcement – an unpleasant stimuli is withdrawn  increases the behavior in the future Typical errors in using reinforcement – –1) –2) –3)

4 Reinforcement Schedules at Work Interval (Time-based) Ratio (Behavior- based) Fixed ScheduleFixed Interval Wk1 –Wk2 – Wk3 Steady paycheck Fixed Ratio 5 units, 10 units,15 units Paid after selling quota (stable) Variable Schedule Variable Interval 8 mos – 12 mos- 30 mos Promotion after varying amts. of time Variable Ratio 2 calls, 8 calls, 11 calls Salesperson w/pay after making sell (unstable)

5 Neg Reinforcement v Punishment Note the differences: Pos reinforcement – Introduce a pos consequence to increase or maintain a behavior Neg reinforcement – Remove a neg consequence to increase or maintain a behavior Punishment – Consequence decreases behavior BehaviorConsequenceBehaviorConsequence Customers served too slowly Boss criticizes Serve faster Boss stops criticizing ? What is it?

6 Punishment in Orgs Discipline used to manage problems such as absenteeism, theft Range of options Common practice to use progressive pun Most effective orgs use punishment how?

7 Punishment But why do supervisors not always punish inappropriate behavior? –1) –2) –3)

8 Observational Learning Explains how we learn behaviors that aren’t under a conditioning schedule Includes modeling another’s behavior & learning on-the-job To work, must involve: –1) –2) –3) –4)

9 Learning Application: Training Big business selling training programs but often not evaluated for effectiveness See book for principles of effective training (p. 120-121) –Participation, repetition, transfer of training, & feedback

10 Training Case Study Case study of Georgia Pacific – safety training What happened and how well did training work?

11 Salas & Cannon-Bowers (2004) Effective training includes emphasis on the training climate: –Create a supportive environment/climate for training –What was found? –Application: Set up appropriate pre-practice conditions – –How can this be done?

12 E-training In 2000, $2.2 billion spent for online training  in 2002, $11 billion Compared to traditional classroom training, what are benefits? –1) –2) –3) Any drawbacks of e-training?

13 Part 1 Ch 4: Personality and Abilities

14 Personality Unique and stable pattern of behaviors, thoughts, emotions Interactionist approach – behavior result of personality and situation –predominant view in org psych Most influence in weak situations –What are these? How is personality measured? –Objective – –Projective –

15 Controversy: Personality in Selection Rocky history in I/O Older view that personality measures… –1) –2) –3) I/O shifting to position that… –What kinds of measures can be useful? –May enhance fairness in selection?

16 Reliability/Validity Reliability issues – how is it defined here? Validity – Examples: Test of neuroticism given to me twice (test-retest) – get same score? Do 2-3 different tests give same assessment of my neuroticism? Does my neuroticism predict my perf?

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