ECE C03 Lecture 141 Lecture 14 VHDL Modeling of Sequential Machines Hai Zhou ECE 303 Advanced Digital Design Spring 2002.

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1 ECE C03 Lecture 141 Lecture 14 VHDL Modeling of Sequential Machines Hai Zhou ECE 303 Advanced Digital Design Spring 2002

2 ECE C03 Lecture 142 Outline Describing Sequential Behavior in VHDL Latches Flip-Flops Finite State Machines Synthesis Using VHDL Using Packages in VHDL READING: Dewey 17.1, 17.3, 17.4, 17.5, 17.6, 17.7, 17.8, 17.10, 18.1, 18.2

3 ECE C03 Lecture 143 Latches Latches are easily described by using the concurrent signal assignment statement entity JK_LATCH is port ( J, K : in BIT; Q : inout BIT := ‘0’; Q_BAR : inout BIT := ‘1’;) end JK_LATCH; architecture TRUTH_TABLE of JK_LATCH is begin -- Map truth table into conditional concurrent statements Q <= Q when (J = ‘0’ and K = ‘0’) else ‘0’ when (J = ‘0’ and ‘K=‘1’) else ‘1’ when (J=‘1’ and K = ‘0’) else Q_BAR; Q_BAR <= not Q; end TRUTH_TABLE; J K Q+ 0 0 Q 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 Q/

4 ECE C03 Lecture 144 Level-sensitive Synchronous Behavior When a control signal like a clock controls whether the gated latch responds to inputs entity JK_GATED_LATCH is port ( J, K, CLK : in BIT; Q : inout BIT := ‘0’; Q_BAR : inout BIT := ‘1’;) end JK_LATCH; architecture TRUTH_TABLE of JK_GATED_LATCH is begin CLKED : block (CLK = ‘1’) -- guard expression begin Q <= guarded Q when (J = ‘0’ and K = ‘0’) else ‘0’ when (J = ‘0’ and ‘K=‘1’) else ‘1’ when (J=‘1’ and K = ‘0’) else Q_BAR; Q_BAR <= not Q; end block CLKED; end TRUTH_TABLE;

5 ECE C03 Lecture 145 Block Statements A block statement provides a way to combine a group of concurrent statements together A group of statements can be placed under a guard FORMAT label: block (guard expression) -- declarative part begin -- statement part end block label A guard is a boolean expression that evaluates to true or false. Concurrent statements in block execute if guard is true

6 ECE C03 Lecture 146 Guarded Statement A guarded assignment statement executes if either –(1) the guard expression changes from FALSE to TRUE –(2) The guard expression is TRUE and one of the signals appearing on the right hand side of the signal assignment changes value Example: B1 : block (CONTROL_SIGNAL = ‘1’) begin X <= guarded A or B after 5 min; Y <= A or B after 5 min; end blcok B1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

7 ECE C03 Lecture 147 Flip-flops Edge-triggered flip-flops are controlled by signal transitions, latches are controlled by levels. entity JK_FF is port ( J, K, CLK : in BIT; Q : inout BIT := ‘0’; Q_BAR : inout BIT := ‘1’;) end JK_LATCH; architecture DATA_FLOW of JK_FF is begin CLKED : block (CLK = ‘1’ and not CLK’STABLE) -- guard expression begin Q <= guarded Q when (J = ‘0’ and K = ‘0’) else ‘0’ when (J = ‘0’ and ‘K=‘1’) else ‘1’ when (J=‘1’ and K = ‘0’) else Q_BAR; Q_BAR <= not Q; end block CLKED; end DATA_FLOW;

8 ECE C03 Lecture 148 Predefined Signal Attributes VHDL provides several predefined attributes which provide information about the signals signal_name’ACTIVE: indicates if a transaction has occurred signal_name’QUITE: indicates that transaction has not occurred signal_name’EVENT : If an event has occurred on signal_name signal_name’STABLE: If an event has not occurred signal_name’LAST_EVENT: Time elapsed since last event has occurred signal_name’DELAYED(T): A signal identical to signal_name but delayed by T units of type TIME;

9 ECE C03 Lecture 149 Setup and Hold Times Setup and hold times are timing restrictions placed on synchronous sequential systems Use assertions in VHDL to describe requirements architecture DATA_FLOW of D_FF is begin assert not (CLK’DELAYED(HOLD) = ‘1’ and not CLK’DELAYED(HOLD)’STABLE and not D’STABLE(SETUP+HOLD) report “Setup/Hold Timing Violation”; CLKED: block (CLK = ‘1’ and not CLK’STABLE) Q <= guarded D; Q_BAR <= not Q; end DATA_FLOW; Hold Setup D CLK CLK’DELAYED(HOLD)

10 ECE C03 Lecture 1410 Synchronous Finite State Machines Consider example of binary counter Z0 Z1 Z2 A B C

11 ECE C03 Lecture 1411 Data flow VHDL Modeling of Counter entity BIN_COUNTER is port (CLK : in BIT; Z : out BIT_VECTOR(2 downto 0)); end BIN_COUNTER; architecture DATA_FLOW of BIN_COUNTER is type FF_INDEX is (A, B, C); type FF_TYPE is array (FF_INDEX) of BIT; signal Q : FF_TYPE; begin DFF: block (CLK = ‘1’ and not CLK’STABLE) -- rising edge begin -- State D flip flops Q(A) <= guarded (Q(A) and not Q(B) ) or (Q(A) and not Q(C)) or (not Q(A) and Q(B) and Q(C); Q(B) <= guarded Q(B) xor Q(C); Q(C) <= guarded not Q(C); end block DFF; -- output function Z <= Q(A) & Q(B) & Q(C); end DATA_FLOW;

12 ECE C03 Lecture 1412 Algorithmic Modeling of State Machines Until now, we showed state machines being modeled by data flow (using concurrent statements) We will describe using algorithmic or procedural form using conventional programming language semantics –process statements –wait statements –variable and signal assignments –if and case statements –loop statements

13 ECE C03 Lecture 1413 Binary Counter State Diagram S0 000 S5 101 S3 011 S1 001 S7 111 S6 110 S2 010 S4 100

14 ECE C03 Lecture 1414 VHDL Model of Counter architecture ALGORITHM of BIN_COUNTER is begin process variable PRESENT_STATE: BIT_VECTOR(2 downto 0) := B”111”; begin case PRESENT_STATE is when B”000” => PRESENT_STATE := B”001”; when B”001” => PRESENT_STATE := B”010”; when B”010” => PRESENT_STATE := B”011”; when B”011” => PRESENT_STATE := B”100”; when B”100” => PRESENT_STATE := B”101”; when B”101” => PRESENT_STATE := B”110”; when B”110” => PRESENT_STATE := B”111”; when B”111” => PRESENT_STATE := B”000”; end case; Z <= PRESENT_STATE after 10 nsec; wait until (CLK = ‘1’; end process; end ALGORITHM ;

15 ECE C03 Lecture 1415 VHDL Model of FSMs for Synthesis One can define a VHDL model of a FSM (Mealy Machine) using two processes –One for the combinational logic for the next state and output functions –One for the sequential elements Memory elements, FFs Next state Logic function Output logic function Primary inputs Presnt state

16 ECE C03 Lecture 1416 Architecture Body of FSM architecture rtl of entname is subtype state_type is std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0); constant s0 : state_type := "0001"; constant s1 : state_type := "0010"; constant s2 : state_type := "0100"; constant s3 : state_type := "1000"; signal state, next_state : state_type; signal con1, con2, con3 : std_ulogic; signal out1, out2 : std_ulogic; signal clk, reset : std_ulogic; -- process comb logic -- process state registers end architecture rtl; s0 s1 s2 s3

17 ECE C03 Lecture 1417 Process Statements for Comb/State Reg Logic begin state_logic : process (state, con1, con2, con3) is begin case state is when s0 => out1 <= '0'; out2 <= '0'; next_state <= s1; when s1 => out1 <= '1'; if con1 = '1' then next_state <= s2; else next_state <= s1; end if; when s2 => out2 <= '1'; next_state <= s3; when s3 => if con2 = '0' then next_state <= s3; elsif con3 = '0' then out1 <= '0'; next_state <= s2; else next_state <= s1; end if; when others => null; end case; end process state_logic; state_register : process (clk, reset) is begin if reset = '0' then state <= s0; elsif rising_edge(clk) then state <= next_state; end if; end process state_register;

18 ECE C03 Lecture 1418 Use of VHDL in Synthesis VHDL was initially developed as a language for SIMULATION Recently being used as a language for hardware synthesis from logic synthesis companies –Synopsys Design Compiler, Ambit BuildGates, Mentor Graphics Autologic,.. Synthesis tools take a VHDL design at behavioral or structural level and generate a logic netlist –Minimize number of gates, delay, power, etc. Area delay

19 ECE C03 Lecture 1419 Synthesizable Subset of VHDL There are a number of constructs that cannot be synthesized into hardware –File operations including textio –Assertion statements There are some generally accepted ways of entering VHDL descriptions such that it correctly synthesizes the logic

20 ECE C03 Lecture 1420 Use of Packages in VHDL A VHDL package is simply a way of grouping a collection of related declarations that serve a common purpose Can be reused by other designs package identifier is {package declaration} end package identifier;

21 ECE C03 Lecture 1421 Predefined Packages The predefined types in VHDL are stored in a library “std’ Each design unit is automatically preceded by the following context clause library std, work; use std.standard.all; package standard is type boolean is (false, true); -- defined for operators =, =,.. type bit is (‘0’, ‘1’); -- defined for logic operations and, or, not… type character is (..); type integer is range IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED; subtype natural is integer range 0 to integer’high; type bit_vector is array(natural range <>) of bit; … end package standard;

22 ECE C03 Lecture 1422 Summary Describing Sequential Behavior in VHDL Latches Flip-Flops Finite State Machines Synthesis Using VHDL Using Packages in VHDL NEXT LECTURE: Course review

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