Team 7: Sunoco Hotdog Eye Home Mid-Semester Presentation Hong, Keetaek Baek, Jinwook Lee, David.

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Presentation on theme: "Team 7: Sunoco Hotdog Eye Home Mid-Semester Presentation Hong, Keetaek Baek, Jinwook Lee, David."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team 7: Sunoco Hotdog Eye Home Mid-Semester Presentation Hong, Keetaek Baek, Jinwook Lee, David

2 Concept and Motivation Concept: This project will inform the individual in case of fire or break-in at the house through mobile text messaging Motivation: Anything can happen at home whether it is vacant or no adult is present. This prototype provides a cost efficient way to inform the home owner in case of a troubled situation at home


4 Status Update Accomplishments Wrote a program that can send text messages Registered for propriety SMS server site Conflict in voltage input for smoke sensor Mitigation Sensor Compatibility – voltage adaptor Assumption We will be able to integrate breadboard into Tmote in future development

5 Eye Candy Mainframe Dell E1505 T-mote x 2 Moteiv TMote Sky Motion Sensor Futurlec Directional Infrared Radial Sensor Smoke Sensor Mobile Phone Futurlec CO2 Sensor Nokia E61


7 Demo Scenario

8 Next Steps Tmote Configurations Tmote Sensor installation adjustment Reconciling voltage difference between sensors and Tmote Tmote TinyOS setup Tmote Communication

9 Software Architecture Overview Tmote: Based on TinyOS, executes simple operations such as heartbeat and interrupt signals. Main Frame: When Tmote sends signal it acknowledges the notification and executes the text messaging program.

10 S/W Diagram Heartbeat Alarm

11 APIs Tmote Heartbeat() Constantly sends the heartbeat signal to the mainframe on the periodic basis. sensor_monitor(int fd) Within the while loop keep polling the sensor to see if the fire sensor went off fire_alarm() Once sensor_monitor return the true value in the fire detection this function sends out the notification to the mainframe

12 API continued MainFrame send_text(String crisis) This function is in charge of the sending the request to the SMS text message service. check_connection() By pinging one of the most stable websites to see if the internet connection is fine. sensor_checker(int fd) Check if the sensor has detected anything. heartbeat_monitor(int fd) Make sure the smoke sensor still functions More functions coming up!

13 Lessons Learned Tmote voltage Issue Realized the need of reconciliation of the voltage difference between sensor and the tmote. -> Will resolve by implementing small circuit on breadboard Alternative internet connection Scan for other connections using built-in wireless device driver is not as easy as we thought. Sunoco came up with taquitos and they are good too.

14 Schedule DeadlinesDeliverablesCompleted? 2/20Received PartsYes 2/26 Cell phone Text Messaging Service Yes 3/5 Install Sensor to Tmote NO 3/9Configuring TinyOSNO 3/17Spring BreakNO 3/31Tmote to TmoteNO 4/8Baseline completeNO 4/15Extension prj implementation NO

15 Questions?

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