September 2007 Computing induction Computer Science Studying at University.

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Presentation on theme: "September 2007 Computing induction Computer Science Studying at University."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 2007 Computing induction Computer Science Studying at University

2 September 2007 Computing induction Taking notes … … is an essential skill –If there are handouts An extra aid to memory Reinforce key points –If there aren’t handouts The only aid to memory Make notes in your own words and style –Not necessarily the same format for every lecture –Not necessarily the same format as others use Try to file notes ASAP after the lecture Copy up notes from missed sessions ASAP

3 September 2007 Computing induction Taking notes … … is an essential skill Skills are acquired through practice –Practice this one now Important information can be found in handbook on CSWeb BUT your notes will be easier to understand contain only the info of relevance to you have all the information in one place Try to pick out three key points

4 September 2007 Computing induction Structure of Year Autumn: 24 September – 14 December Weeks 1 – 12 Week 7 (5 – 9 Nov) is project week Spring: 14 January – 4 April Weeks 13 – 24 Week 21 (10 – 14 March) is project week Summer: 5 May – 13 June Weeks 25 – 30 No teaching – exam term

5 September 2007 Computing induction Project Weeks Two project weeks per year –Weeks 7 and 21 Normal timetable is suspended –No teaching on COxxx modules –No teaching on CBxxx modules –Other modules may have some teaching A variety of different activities –projects –workshops –tests Not a holiday!

6 September 2007 Computing induction Time Management You want to: –Get a degree –Have fun You may need to: –Do paid work –Commute –Look after children Time planning is essential to fit it all in

7 September 2007 Computing induction 9101112131415161718192021 Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su

8 September 2007 Computing induction 9101112131415161718192021 Mo L Tu L We L Th L Fr L Sa Su

9 September 2007 Computing induction 9101112131415161718192021 Mo LD Tu LD We LD Th LD Fr LD Sa LD Su LD

10 September 2007 Computing induction 9101112131415161718192021 Mo LD Tu LD We LD Th LD Fr LD Sa LD Su LD

11 September 2007 Computing induction 9101112131415161718192021 Mo LD Tu LD We LD Th LD Fr LD Sa LD Su LD

12 September 2007 Computing induction 9101112131415161718192021 Mo XLD Tu XLD We LD Th XLXD Fr XLD Sa LD Su LD

13 September 2007 Computing induction 9101112131415161718192021 Mo XLGGD Tu XLD We GGLD Th XLXD Fr XLGGD Sa LD Su LD

14 September 2007 Computing induction 9101112131415161718192021 Mo XLGGD Tu XLD We GGLD Th XLXD Fr XLGGD Sa LD Su LD

15 September 2007 Computing induction 9101112131415161718192021 Mo XLGGD Tu XLD We GGLD Th XLXD Fr XLGGD Sa LD Su LD

16 September 2007 Computing induction

17 September 2007 Computing induction Assessment and Examination (1) Each module is assessed separately by continuous assessment and examination Weighting varies from module to module Exams are in May –Each module has a separate exam paper –Rubrics and exam lengths are displayed on notice-boards and on CSWeb –Past papers are available on the web Re-sit exams are in August

18 September 2007 Computing induction Assessment and Examination (2) 20% Assess 80% Exam –CO324 –CO326 –CO327 –CB343 –CB586 –EC305/6 –EC309 40% Assess 60% Exam –CO357 –EC309 –EL333 50% Assess 50% Exam –CO321 30% Assess 70% Exam –CO322 –CO325 –CO520 –CB300 –CB302 –AC303 100% Assess NO exam –CO320 –EL331 –EL336 –PL302

19 September 2007 Computing induction Assessment and Examination (3) To pass: At least 40% in every module If you don’t quite manage to pass: If your average over all modules is ≥ 40% You may be allowed to progress Compensation: Up to 2 modules allowed to be < 40% but ≥ 30% A mark < 30% in any module means a fail overall Condonement: Module specific For illness/exceptional circumstances Up to 2 modules allowed to be < 40%

20 September 2007 Computing induction Assessment and Examination (4) CS / CSAI / Web Computing –To pass: At least 40% in every module –To progress: An average ≥ 40% ≥ 40% in 6 modules ≥ 30% in 2 modules Any module compensatable or condonable

21 September 2007 Computing induction Assessment and Examination (4) Business Computing –To pass: At least 40% in every module –To progress: An average ≥ 40% A mark ≥ 40% in CB300 ≥ 40% in 4 CS modules ≥ 30% in 2 CS modules CB300 is not compensatable or condonable

22 September 2007 Computing induction Assessment and Examination (4) Computer Science & Man Science –To pass: At least 40% in every module –To progress: An average ≥ 40% ≥ 40% in CB586 ≥ 40% in 5 other modules ≥ 30% in 2 other modules CB586 is not compensatable or condonable

23 September 2007 Computing induction Assessment and Examination (4) Computing & Business Admin –To pass: At least 40% in every module –To progress: An average ≥ 40% A mark ≥ 40% in CB300 A mark ≥ 40% in CO357 (if taken) ≥ 30% in 2 modules and ≥ 40% in rest CB300 and CO357 are not compensatable or condonable

24 September 2007 Computing induction Assessment and Examination (4) Other students –To pass: At least 40% in every module –To progress CO357 is neither compensatable nor condonable Any other Stage 1 COxxx module is compensatable or condonable Check with your home department about the status of other modules you are taking

25 September 2007 Computing induction Maximising Final Outcome Stage 1 marks do not count towards final degree classification Stage 1 learning does Higher stage 1 marks lead to higher stage 2 & 3 marks

26 September 2007 Computing induction Progression Correlation: r = 0.7

27 September 2007 Computing induction Doing the work Do attend lectures –Not simply following the handouts –Do take notes –They help you to learn Do attend classes –They are compulsory –They are based upon lectures –They help you to learn Do attempt the assessments –They count towards the module mark –They are compulsory –They help you to learn

28 September 2007 Computing induction

29 September 2007 Computing induction Punctuality is important Perpetually running late does not mark you out as either a very busy (for which read unbelievably important) person or an insouciant maverick. It exposes you as an arrogant incompetent who thinks that his time is more valuable than other people’s. Times 2, 24 th September 2007

30 September 2007 Computing induction Illness You may not always be able to attend lectures or classes or submit work on time –Illness, family emergency, … Let us know –Email tutor, class supervisors, lecturers If it is serious –Try to provide some sort of evidence Note from GP, letter from family member, …

31 September 2007 Computing induction Taking notes … Have you noted? –Project week dates –Non-compensatable modules you are taking –Who to contact if you are ill

32 September 2007 Computing induction Keeping Up To date Email – read it regularly CS Web – Electronic newsgroups –ukc.cs.undergrads –ukc.cs.canterbury –ukc.cs.coXXX Pigeon holes

33 September 2007 Computing induction CS Web How to read news Module web pages

34 September 2007 Computing induction Where to go for Help Tutor Senior Tutor Class supervisors, Lecturers & Convenors Stage Director The Learning Resources Centre (UELT) Student Representatives Go sooner rather than later!

35 September 2007 Computing induction

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