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Strategic Planning Steering Committee 2003-2004. Where Are We Now? UNO has been involved in strategic planning since its doors opened in 1907. Chancellor.

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1 Strategic Planning Steering Committee 2003-2004

2 Where Are We Now? UNO has been involved in strategic planning since its doors opened in 1907. Chancellor Belck implemented a new process after arriving at UNO six years ago. The Strategic Planning Steering Committee was born.

3 The Strategic Planning Steering Committee 2002-2003 SPSC includes 42 active members –3 Administrators—Chancellor & Vice-Chancellors –2 College Deans –14 Faculty members representing all colleges –16 Staff members representing many non-academic units –5 Students –2 Community Representatives including the Alumni Association President

4 How does the SPSC function? SPSC meets monthly on the fourth Wednesday of each month SPSC uses a task force approach

5 Activities of SPSC Sponsors two Strategic Advances annually that are attended by 150 faculty, staff, students and administrators Conducts community and student forums to discuss the perceptions and needs of these important constituents Provides input to the Chancellor on important issues faced by the university Communicates the strategic plans and its goals to internal and external constituents

6 Our Progress Established strategic process driven by the Strategic Planning Steering Committee Written strategic plans at many levels of the university Track record of successful implementation across many units Institutional portfolio providing measurement data regarding key institutional variables

7 How well are we doing? What should we be doing? Our Process Institutional Portfolio Environmental Scan Data Community Forums Student Forums Revised Strategic Plan 1999 Strategic Plan

8 Important Tasks for 2003-2004 Reintroduction of the strategic plan to our constituents Implementation of university-wide initiatives consistent with the plan Integration of revised plan with unit plans Continued emphasis on assessment Continued emphasis on communication of our strategic direction

9 Where Do We Want to Go? Strategic planning is a cycle--

10 STRATEGIC GOAL TASK FORCES CHARGE Review the relevant section of the current strategic plan Access the institutional portfolio and review the performance measures related to the subgoals and objectives Review input from environmental scanning exercises from May 2002 Advance and forums Identify successes and gaps Identify and revise any sections of the plan that need changes

11 Task Forces for 2003-2004 AQIP Task Force Academic Prioritization Task Force Implementation/Integration Task Force External Communications Task Force Internal Communications Task Force

12 AQIP Task Force Academic Quality Improvement Programs Continuous improvement model for enhancing the quality of the institution Uses assessment measurements and the development of specific action projects designed to improve performance of selected areas

13 Academic Prioritization Task Force Plan calls for an “ongoing process of prioritization and assessement..” Will include representatives from Faculty Senate Focus is on developing an ongoing prioritization process consistent with our strategic plan

14 Implementation/Integration Task Force Focus is on encouraging the adoption and integration of the revised plan at the unit level Activities may include: –Presentations at unit meetings –Increased coordination with Faculty Senate, Staff Advisory Councils and Student Government

15 External Communications Task Force Develop and implement methods of communicating UNO’s strategic goals and accomplishments to external constituents such as: –Alumni –Community Leaders –Secondary Educators –Employers –Potential Students –Donors

16 Internal Communications Task Force Develop and implement methods of communicating UNO’s strategic goals and accomplishments to internal constituents such as: –Students –Staff –Faculty

17 Dilbert on Plans



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