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Data Management Techniques Integrating Databases at the Puget Sound Regional Council September 28, 2004 AMPO Travel Modeling Work Group.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Management Techniques Integrating Databases at the Puget Sound Regional Council September 28, 2004 AMPO Travel Modeling Work Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Management Techniques Integrating Databases at the Puget Sound Regional Council September 28, 2004 AMPO Travel Modeling Work Group

2 The Big Picture...... aka The Ball of Yarn

3 PSRC GIS and Database Upgrades Status Report –Background & History –New system and application architectures –New enterprise GIS data model (transportation) –New applications –Next Steps

4 Background: Concurrent Efforts –Updated Travel Demand Model (implemented in EMME/2) –New Land Use Model (URBANSIM) –GIS and Database upgrades

5 Background: Why upgrade GIS and DBMS? –Key planning and process questions… Is a TIP project in the MTP? Is a given project in a model ‘run’? Does the model represent a project with appropriate information? What would be different about future regional transportation system performance with or without certain projects? –…which existing systems do not answer efficiently or quickly

6 Background: Phase One (2003) –Necessary systems upgrades –Transportation project data –Applications supporting transportation tasks Planning Travel Demand Modeling support tool –Preserve existing land use/demographic data capabilities –Preserve existing transportation system monitoring capability (CMS)

7 TRAVEL DEMAND MODEL TIP DB EXISTING TIP APPLICATION MTP DB EXISTING MTP APPLICATION GIS: Coverages & Shapefiles Question: How would future regional transportation system performance be different with or without certain projects? Question: Is a particular TIP project part of an MTP project? Background: Transportation Data System (Before)

8 Background: Existing Platforms GIS (ArcView, ArcInfo) –Coverages –Shapefiles Relational Databases –Access Spreadsheet –Excel

9 New System Architecture: Goals –Integrated –Available –Metadata –Valid –Future-focused –Better support for agency business


11 New System Architecture: Platforms GIS Desktop clients –ArcView 8.3 –ArcGIS 8.3 –Web Browsers (future) RDBMS –MS SQL Server Application Development Environment –VB 6/VBA

12 New Enterprise Data Model Developed with ESRI’s Geodatabase Utilizes the Geometric Network to create a new reference network Incorporates essential model attributes and key project data in single data model Provides a uniform environment for managing spatial and attribute data among several applications Supports versioning and time stamping of projects

13 Physical Data Model Six major components: Transportation Classes – the categories of features defined by edge and junction subtypes TransProjects Classes – the MTP and TIP projects and their relationship to GIS entities such as linear routes, linear events, point events and area (polygons) Other Routes – similar to the TransProjects Classes but for transit entities and other named routes Class inheritance – the relationship of the TIP, MTP and EMME/2 model entities to the geometric network features Transportation Connectivity – establishes the network topology between the transportation classes Domains – these control the allowable set of values that may be input for any field in the geodatabase

14 Reference Network Integration in the Geodatabase Topology Rules Anchor Points Anchor Sections TransRef Junctions TransRef Edges MTP Route Feature Class TIP Route Feature Class Model Feature Class Project 1Project 2Project NProject 1Project 2Project N Links Nodes Master Network Transit Routes Member agencies

15 Geometric Network 15 transportation feature sub-types (edges and junctions), e.g., freeways, HOV, ferry, bike lanes –Build connectivity rules Model network links and nodes corresponded with the GIS reference network edges and junctions GIS and model network features are edited in the geodatabase

16 –PSRC Edge ID –From/To Node –Direction –Modes –Capacity –Speed limit –In/out service dates –Other attributes Freeway Expressway HOV Reversible Ramp Arterial Local Non-Motor Ferry Rail Monorail Busway Light rail Centroid Connector ATTRIBUTES By Time of Day Unique ID Date/Time stamped

17 Connectivity Table D Reversable D D Freeway D Ramp D HOV D Local DNon_motor D Arterial DRamp D Expressway D HOV D Reversable D Ramp D Freeway GenericGeneric Light_RailLight_Rail FerryFerry Non_MotorNon_Motor BusBus StationStation MonorailMonorail RailRail ParkRideParkRide CentroidCentroid DeadendDeadend HighwayHighway FourwayFourway ControlledControlled UncontrolledUncontrolled ToEdgeFromEdge JUNCTION

18 Network Validation Attribute validation rules work with attribute domains to specify the allowable domain values/ranges for any table, feature class or subtype. Network connectivity rules –Edge-junction rules –Edge-edge rules. Relationship rules control which object subtypes from the origin class can be related to which object subtypes in the destination class. For example, TIP and MTP projects are related to Project Routes in the data model. Custom rules are created by accessing underlying ArcObjects software through any Component Object Model (COM) compliant programming language.

19 Transportation Projects Projects coded as routes and route-events for multi-part projects –Contain essential model attributes –Linked to external TIP and MTP databases Transit routes coded as GIS routes Projects and model data can be visualized and analyzed in the GIS

20 New Applications General Use & Mapping Maintenance Model Input/Output Applications developed in ArcGIS 8.3 GEO DATA BASE

21 General Use & Mapping Application: Data Loading and Metadata

22 General Use & Mapping Application: Display Projects or Model Results

23 Maintenance Application Designed for Power Users & project staff Provides an editing interface –adding new features –updating existing features –retrieving and maintaining GIS data Project DB data, GIS data, and model data visible in one place

24 Three Options: 1. Code in New Projects 2. Update Existing Projects 3. Non-mappable Maintenance Application: Update Project Databases




28 Model I/O Application –Designed for PSRC Modelers and GIS staff –Tools for preparing the transportation data for the EMME/2 model Transportation data extracted and re-formatted according into EMME/2’s node and link structure. –Tools for displaying the EMME/2 model network results in ArcMap. –Better control over project selection and scenario management

29 Model I/O Application: Scenario Definition

30 Model I/O Application: Create an EMME/2 Input Scenario

31 Model I/O Application Display Model Output to Geodatabase

32 Status –Beta testing of three applications –Data migration/development in progress Regionally integrated reference features TIP and MTP project geometry TDModeling attributes –TIP and MTP project databases functional in server environment –TDModel interface

33 Future: Phase Two –Demographic data –Land use data –URBANSIM –Supporting applications Geocoding service WWW publishing (D 2030 project data)

34 Future: Phase Three –Upgrades to existing applications –External agency data import/export –Public accessibility over Internet

35 PSRC GIS and Database Upgrades Project Staff Jeff Frkonja—PSRC ( Andrew Norton—PSRC ( John Sutton—Cambridge Systematics Melinda Vazzana—Cambridge Systematics Yushuang Zhou—Cambridge Systematics Maren Outwater—Cambridge Systematics

36 Questions?

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