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Politics of Same Sex Marriage Gary M. Segura PS: Political Science and Politics April 2005; 38, 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Politics of Same Sex Marriage Gary M. Segura PS: Political Science and Politics April 2005; 38, 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Politics of Same Sex Marriage Gary M. Segura PS: Political Science and Politics April 2005; 38, 2.

2 Same Sex Marriage and 2004 Election Did Kerry Lose Because of Same Sex Amendments? Bush was reelected and 11 states passed amendments banning same sex marriage.

3 Analysis Greg Lewis: Same sex marriage may have had an influence, but it was less than most observers claimed. Sunshine Hillygus and Todd Sheilds: Same sex marriage “played no role among independents in battleground states, and even in states where the issue was on the ballot.” …

4 Evolving Message Opposition to Same Sex Marriage Opposition to Same Sex Marriage initially centered on two assertions: 1) Homosexuality is Morally Inferior 2) Homosexual unions, being non-procreative are inferior Frederick Liu and Stephen Macedo The opposition has shifted to second claim and away from “overt hostility to gays.” Now the focus is on the “discussion of children and preservation of marriage.” …

5 Marriage and Procreation Critique of Non-Procreative Marriage: The argument is that same sex marriage will undermine heterosexual unions by decoupling marriage from procreation. This claim has two parts: 1) Natural law theorists argue that family is the central unit in society and that marriage is thus linked to procreation. 2) Removing children from marriage will undo marriages. It will weaken heterosexual adults interest in the institution.

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