Corporate Governance A view from the private equity world John Mackie Chief Executive.

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Presentation on theme: "Corporate Governance A view from the private equity world John Mackie Chief Executive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Corporate Governance A view from the private equity world John Mackie Chief Executive

2 Agenda Introduction to private equity Prior to investment Post investment Key issues

3 Introduction to private equity

4 Largest market after US UK accounts for one third of total European investment £80 billion plus under management BVCA represents vast majority of private equity/venture capital in the UK (171full members and 154 associates) £6.2 billion invested in 1,597 companies in 2001

5 £millions Growth of investment by BVCA members in UK firms 1984 - 2001

6 Economic impact of private equity Private Equity backed companies create more jobs –People employed increase 23% p.a. –Almost 3 million people work in private equity backed companies Private Equity backed companies boost the UK economy –Sales rise by 30% p.a. –Exports grow by 20% p.a. (national growth rate 2.9%) –Investment increases by 25% (national growth rate 2.3%)

7 2001 Performance Measurement The net returns of private equity funds raised between 1980 and 2001 measured to 31.12.01 One year - 7.1% Three year 13.0% pa Five year 15.7% pa Ten year 17.4% pa

8 Highlights of 2001 Performance Measurement Over one, three, five year and ten years outperformed the FTSE 100 and the FTSE All-Share Indices The overall long-term (since inception) net return to investors now stands at 16.2%

9 Prior to investment

10 Timescale 3-12 months Business plan – strategic – market – financials

11 Prior to investment Due diligence - legal - accounting - market - environmental

12 Prior to investment Management- references - change/supplement - new environment -financial commitment -equity upside

13 Prior to investment Milestones- financial - operational - drawdown

14 Prior to investment Shareholder agreement - remuneration - reporting - Board representation - acquisitions/disposals - borrowing - share issues

15 Prior to investment Exit planning- trade sale -IPO - refinancing -value maximisation

16 Prior to investment -A mass of detailed information about the business, its markets, management, opportunities, threats -A detailed agreement on governance, monitoring, decision taking, forward planning

17 Post investment

18 -Shareholder Director(s) -Independent Director/Chairman -Continuous monitoring

19 Post investment -Strategic input -Management change -Acquisitions

20 Post investment -Development capital -Growth -Exit planning

21 Key issues

22 Key Issues -Real shareholder involvement -Board representation -Management change/development

23 Key Issues Leverage Alignment of interests Good governance = more value

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