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Plant Biodiversity and Ecology: Eudicots: Asterids Ericaceae Asclepidaceae Boraginaceae Lamiaceae.

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Presentation on theme: "Plant Biodiversity and Ecology: Eudicots: Asterids Ericaceae Asclepidaceae Boraginaceae Lamiaceae."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plant Biodiversity and Ecology: Eudicots: Asterids Ericaceae Asclepidaceae Boraginaceae Lamiaceae


3 Ericaceae – Heath Family Mostly red or white bell-shaped flowers Parts in 4’s or 5’s Evergreen leaves Many are shrubs or sub-shrubs Sympetalous corolla Usually poricidal stamens 106 genera / ca. 3,355 species

4 Ericaceae

5 Ericaceae anther development

6 Rhododendron

7 Arbutus unedo Strawberry Tree


9 Ceratiola ericoides

10 Corema conradii

11 Epacris longifloraErica centranthoides

12 Kalmia latifolia

13 Monotropa uniflora mycotrophic – obtaining nutrition from mycorrhizal fungi

14 Pyrola rotundifolia

15 Rhododendron maximum

16 Rhododendron occidentale

17 Vaccinium corymbosum L. - highbush blueberry

18 Vaccinium erythrocarpum

19 Vaccinium macrocarpon -Large Cranberry

20 Xylococcus bicolor

21 Asclepidaceae – Milkweed Family Milky sap Opposite leaves Big follicle fruits Irregular crown-like flowers 5 stamen, petals, sepals, 2 carpels

22 Asclepidaceae

23 Asclepias speciosa – showy milkweed

24 Asclepidaceae flowers


26 Asclepidaceae fruit - follicle

27 Monarchs feed on milkweeds Produce cardiac glycosides Monarch larvae is unaffected and incorporates into its tissue

28 Boraginaceae Hairy plants Flower parts in 5’s Fruit is schizocarp of 4 nutlets Herbs with simple, spiral leaves Helicoid or scorpioid cyme infloresences


30 Helicoid cyme

31 Scorpioid cyme





36 Echium


38 Lamiaceae Square stems Opposite leaves Usually aromatic herbs Thyrse inflorescence [flowers solitary and axillary in some] Bilabiate flowers Fruit a schizocarp of usually 4 nutlets

39 Lamiaceae Economic Plants Mentha, mint Ocimum, basal Rosmarinus, rosemary Salvia, sage Thymus, thyme Lavandula, lavender Pogostemon, patchouli

40 Leaves opposite; stems 4-sided

41 Lamiaceae

42 Inflorescence a thyrse or verticillaster (usu.)

43 Flowers zygomorphic; corolla sympetalous, bilabiate

44 Lamiaceae – Bilabiate corolla

45 Lamiaceae- Four Nutlets

46 Lamiaceae – Didynamous Stament

47 Lamiaceae in fruit

48 Fruit a schizocarp of usually 4 nutlets

49 Ocimum basilicum BASIL

50 Rosmarinus officinalis - rosemary

51 Salvia apiana White sage

52 Scrophulariaceae Irregular flowers w/ 3 lobes up and 2 lobes down Capsules with numerous seeds Usually opposite leaves Usually 5 merous flowers Fruit is a capsule, berry, or schizocarp

53 Scrophulariaceae

54 Digitalis purpurea

55 Zygomorphic flowers

56 Side view of Scrophulariaceae flower

57 Fruits - Capsules

58 Castilleja coccinea

59 Castilleja flowers

60 Linaria vulgaris – Butter and Eggs and the related Dalmatian Toadflax Invasive Plant

61 Pedicularis groenlandica

62 Verbascum thapsus – Common mullein

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