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Habit herbs, shrubs, or trees; often with evergreen leaves, some members (e.g., Monotropa) are achlorophyllous and parasitic Leaves alternate, simple,

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Presentation on theme: "Habit herbs, shrubs, or trees; often with evergreen leaves, some members (e.g., Monotropa) are achlorophyllous and parasitic Leaves alternate, simple,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Habit herbs, shrubs, or trees; often with evergreen leaves, some members (e.g., Monotropa) are achlorophyllous and parasitic Leaves alternate, simple, estipulate Inflorescences various Special floral characteristics flowers often urceolate or campanulate, anthers have pseudo-apical pores (the pores are actually basal, the stamens invert during development), nectary disk usually present Calyx 5 (4-7) sepals, distinct or connate Corolla 5 (4-7) petals, connate Androecium 10 stamens, distinct; can be basally adnate to corolla (=epipetalous) Gynoecium 2-10 carpels, connate; ovary superior or inferior with 2-10 locules and 1-many axile ovules; style 1, undivided Fruit = capsule, berry, drupe (Floral formula: Ca 5 Co 5 A 10 G 2-10 ) Dilleniidae Ericaceae -- the heather or blueberry family (116+/3,500; cospmopolitan)

2 Some members: include Vaccinium (blueberry, cranberry, deerberry, etc), Rhododendron (rhododendron, azalea), Erica (heather), Monotropa (indian-pipe), Gaultheria (wintergreen), Pyrola, etc. Notes: Evergreen shrubs (or herbs) with 5-merous flowers, urceolate or campanulate corolla, and stamens with pseudo-apical pores are a combination of characters that will diagnose most members of the family. Common in acidic habitats, including bogs, pine-barrens, etc. Dilleniidae Ericaceae -- comments

3 Habit herbs, shrubs, or trees; often with stellate pubescence, and mucilaginous sap Leaves alternate, simple, stipulate, often palmately-veined Inflorescences various, usually determinate Special floral characteristics flowers actinomorphic, often showy; monadelphous stamens; anthers unilocular Calyx 5 sepals, distinct or connate; often subtended by an epicalyx Corolla 5 petals, distinct, individually adnate to stamen column Androecium many stamens, filaments connate into tube (=monadelphous) around pistil; anthers unilocular Gynoecium 4-many carpels, connate; ovary superior with 4-many locules and 1- many axile ovules; style 1, often divided Fruit = schizocarp (breaking into1-2-seeded mericarps) or a capsule (berry) (Floral formula: Ca 5 Co 5 A  G 3-  ) Dilleniidae Malvaceae -- the mallow family (100+/1,500; Cosmopolitan, most diverse in Neotropics)

4 Habit vines, herbs climbing with tendrils; with coarse pubescence Leaves alternate, simple to deeply lobed, estipulate, mostly palmately-veined Inflorescences solitary or variously cymose, sometimes paniculate or racemose Special floral characteristics flowers imperfect; generally yellow; male flowers have variously connate stamens (often appear as 3 stamens = two pairs fused, one free); nectary disk usually present Calyx 5 sepals, distinct or variously connate or very reduced Corolla 5 petals, connate; regular (can be deeply lobed and appear distinct) Androecium 5 stamens. distinct or variously connate Gynoecium 2-5 carpels, connate; ovary inferior with 1 locule & many parietal ovules or 2-5 locules and 1-many axile ovules; style 1, simple or lobed Fruit = berry, pepo, capsule or achene (Floral formula: Ca 5 Co 5 A 5 G 0 // Ca 5 Co 5 A 0 G 3 ) Dilleniidae Cucurbitaceae -- the gourd family (90/700, Distribution: Widespread tropical, subtropical, and a few temperate)

5 Some members: Cayaponia, Cucumis, Cucurbita, Cyclanthera, Gurania, Luffa, Sechium, Sicyos, Marah, etc. Comments: Although many are inedible, we commonly eat members of Cucumis (cucumber and melons) and Cucurbita (squash and pumpkin). Several members display the CAM metabolism we find more common in members of the Caryophyllidae. Male flowers often develop earlier than females, leading to an increase in outcrossing. Dilleniidae Cucurbitaceae -- comments

6 Habit herbs (sometimes woody or even shrubby) Leaves alternate, simple to pinnately lobed to compound, estipulate Inflorescences racemes Special floral characteristics flowers extremely distinctive with 4 cruciform petals and sepals, tetradynamous stamens, fruit a peculiar capsule (silique if 3 X longer than wide OR silicle) Calyx 4 sepals, distinct Corolla 4 petals, distinct Androecium 6 stamens: 4 with long filaments and 2 with short filaments (=tetradynamous), distinct Gynoecium 2 carpels, connate; ovary superior with 2 locules & 1-many parietal ovules, false membranous septum (=replum) divides ovary; style 1 Fruit = silicle, silique, sometimes indehiscent (Floral formula: Ca 4 Co 4 A 4+2 G 2 ) Dilleniidae Brassicaceae -- the mustard family (350/3000, Distribution: Huge family in the temperate areas of the Northern Hemisphere)

7 Brassicaceae -- comments Some members: Caramine, Draba, Arabis, Brassica, Sinapis, Lunaria, Alyssum, Nasturium, Amoracia, Thalaspi, Hesperis, etc, etc. Comments: A large taxonomically complex and confusing family which appears to comprise a well marked natural lineage. Despite the clear monophyly of the group, relationships within the family are difficult primarily due to the apparent lack of morphological characters and homoplasy among these characters. The many economically important species include Amoracia (horseradish), Brassica (cabbage, cauliflower, ale, white and black mustard, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, turnip, etc.), Raphanus (radish), Nasturium (water cress) Dilleniidae

8 Habit herbs Leaves alternate, opposite or whorled, sometimes all basal, simple, estipulate Inflorescences various Special floral characteristics some members have petals flaring backwards Calyx 5 (4-9) sepals, connate Corolla 5 (4-9) petals, connate (can appear distinct due to short corolla tube) Androecium 5 (4-9) stamens, distinct or connate; opposite the petals; filaments adnate to corolla (=sympetalous) Gynoecium 4-8 carpels, connate; ovary superior with 1 locule and many free central ovules; style 1, undivided Fruit = capsule, sometimes circumscissile (Floral formula: Ca 5 Co 5 A 5 G 5 ) β -family Dilleniidae Primulaceae -- the primrose family (23-30/1000; widespread in temperate regions)

9 Habit shrubs or trees Leaves alternate, simple, estipulate Inflorescences mostly solitary Special floral characteristics showy flowers, usually fragrant Calyx 4-7 sepals, distinct or basally connate Corolla 4-5 (-many) petals, distinct or basally connate Androecium many stamens, distinct or filaments basally connate in a ring or in groups (fascicled), sometimes basally adnate to corolla (=sympetalous) Gynoecium 2-5 (6-many) carpels, connate; ovary superior with 2-5 locules and 2- many axile ovules/locule; styles 2-5 (6-many) distinct or variously connate OR 1 and undivided Fruit = capsule, drupe, berry or achene (Floral formula: Ca 5 Co 5 A  G 5 ) β -family Dilleniidae Theaceae -- the tea family (24-40/600; pantropical with species extending into temperate regions of eastern Asia and eastern North America)

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