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VisualCat: Cataloguing with XML, RDF, FRBR & Z39.50 NORD I&D 2001 Poul Henrik Jørgensen,

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Presentation on theme: "VisualCat: Cataloguing with XML, RDF, FRBR & Z39.50 NORD I&D 2001 Poul Henrik Jørgensen,"— Presentation transcript:

1 VisualCat: Cataloguing with XML, RDF, FRBR & Z39.50 NORD I&D 2001 Poul Henrik Jørgensen,

2 Nord I&D VisualCatPoul Henrik Jørgensen May 20012 Background Danish national bibliography maintained and operated by Danish Bibliographic Centre VisualCat system developed by Portia British Library and Italian National Libraries use VisualCat in ONE-2 project

3 Nord I&D VisualCatPoul Henrik Jørgensen May 20013 Stand-alone cataloguing system supporting Z39.50 union catalogue profile Simple to use for occasional cataloguers and effective tool for experienced staff Easy customisation of user-interface, record formats and validation rules Full UNICODE support Based on open standards Utilise windows/NT infrastructure tools Requirements

4 Nord I&D VisualCatPoul Henrik Jørgensen May 20014 Features Z39.50 configured by ExplainLite XML data MARC formats handled by XML schemas MARC editing handled with DHTML and CSS MARC validation by XML schemas and XSL Context sensitive help via URL & web Editing arbitrary scripts in UNICODE Z39.50 search, retrieval & update Authority control managed by RDF schemas for IFLA FRBR – or any other ontology

5 Nord I&D VisualCatPoul Henrik Jørgensen May 20015 Information Flow Z-Server Search VisualCat XML/RDF Database Z-Server Update Z39.50 MS RDS/ADO

6 Nord I&D VisualCatPoul Henrik Jørgensen May 20016 XML Schemas for MARC Separate XML Element types for each combination of MARC Field & Sub field danMARC2 XML Schema by DBC & Portia 164 MARC fields and 1189 sub fields XSL Style sheets for semantic validation MARC21 Schema by British Library & Portia Derived from MARC21 DTD from LC UNIMARC Schema by Italian National Library & Portia Based on Italian SBN specifications

7 Nord I&D VisualCatPoul Henrik Jørgensen May 20017 MARC21 XML Schema

8 Nord I&D VisualCatPoul Henrik Jørgensen May 20018 Z39.50 Configuration Dynamic configuration by ExplainLite XML structure from ONE-2 Project Target URL, Databases, Search attributes including names, Element Sets, Record syntaxes Search, Retrieve, Scan & Update

9 Nord I&D VisualCatPoul Henrik Jørgensen May 20019 ExplainLite in VisualCat

10 Nord I&D VisualCatPoul Henrik Jørgensen May 200110 Search & Retrieval

11 Nord I&D VisualCatPoul Henrik Jørgensen May 200111 Editing functions Insert fields and sub fields directly Edit fields and sub fields directly Required fields are added to imported records automatically Empty fields are trimmed automatically Lists of permitted fields, sub fields and values Links to context-sensitive help via Web Records validated for syntax and structure

12 Nord I&D VisualCatPoul Henrik Jørgensen May 200112 Forms based Editing

13 Nord I&D VisualCatPoul Henrik Jørgensen May 200113 Line-format Editing

14 Nord I&D VisualCatPoul Henrik Jørgensen May 200114 Authority Control RDF schema defines the semantic relationships between classes and properties Authority control data can be described in terms of FRBR entities and relations VisualCat represents authority data and relations by means of general RDF structures in a database Other metadata standards, e.G. Dublin core, may also be used

15 Nord I&D VisualCatPoul Henrik Jørgensen May 200115 RDF Schema for FRBR

16 Nord I&D VisualCatPoul Henrik Jørgensen May 200116 FRBR RDF graph

17 Nord I&D VisualCatPoul Henrik Jørgensen May 200117 Select FRBR Object type

18 Nord I&D VisualCatPoul Henrik Jørgensen May 200118 Search Attribute values

19 Nord I&D VisualCatPoul Henrik Jørgensen May 200119 Attributes & Relations

20 Nord I&D VisualCatPoul Henrik Jørgensen May 200120 Related Objects

21 Nord I&D VisualCatPoul Henrik Jørgensen May 200121 Summary XML schemas used to validate different MARC formats Internally all MARC data are XML & RDF Z39.50 configuration by ExplainLite XML Z39.50 search, retrieval, scan & update User interface by CSS and DHTML Different metadata including IFLA FRBR & DC handled by RDF authority database,

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