Physics of Protein Folding. Why is the protein folding problem important? Understanding the function Drug design Types of experiments: X-ray crystallography.

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Presentation on theme: "Physics of Protein Folding. Why is the protein folding problem important? Understanding the function Drug design Types of experiments: X-ray crystallography."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physics of Protein Folding

2 Why is the protein folding problem important? Understanding the function Drug design Types of experiments: X-ray crystallography NMR Computer simulation

3 SMMP (Simple Molecular Mechanics for Proteins) Definition of internal coordinates

4 SMMP Definition of dihedral angles The bond 1-4 is rotated around the axis 2-3 by the angle φ until coinciding with the shaded plane

5 Energy

6 SMMP Input files The sequence filesequence The configuration file {residue(s) : variable(s) : value}configuration The library filelibrary file


8 Simulations Minimization of protein conformations Simulated annealing Monte Carlo simulation in generalized ensembles

9 Structure prediction PDB file format: Start.pdbStart.pdb (Before running the package) Final.pdb Final.pdb (Result)

10 Visual Interpretation


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