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MIS 4600 Ethical Hacking & Network Defense January 12, 2010 Abdou Illia, Ph.D

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1 MIS 4600 Ethical Hacking & Network Defense January 12, 2010 Abdou Illia, Ph.D

2 Objectives  Class overview (course syllabus)  Explain How class will be organized 2

3 Why an Ethical Hacking class?  Security threats are ranked the highest concerns for mid-size and large organizations in the U.S.  Knowledge/skills in dealing with security threats is a “must” for MIS/Computer Science students 3

4 Business/IS versus Computer science professionals Computer science Business/IS professionals  Trained to work in hardware, software, and networking vendor firms.  Trained to develop network defense tools: encryption algorithms, firewalls’ filtering processes, etc.  Trained to work in end user organizations that need to implement security policies ■ Understand Hacking techniques  Perform security tests  Implement ISC. 4

5 Course objectives  Analyze current corporate computer security threats.  Discuss penetration and security testing issues.  Analyze information security countermeasure.  Discuss legal issues relating to ethical hacking Knowledge 5

6 Course objectives  Perform security audits and security testing  Conduct ethical hacking in a controlled environment.  Implement network defense measures Skills 6

7 Required Text Hands-on Ethical Hacking & Network Defense, Michael T. Simpson, 1 st ed, Course Technology, 2006 7

8 Teaching Methods  Lectures  Discussions  Hands-on  Exercises 8

9 Grading  3 Exams: 100 points each(38%-)  Written  Cover subjects learned during previous weeks  1 Final Exam: 150 points(19%-)  Research Project: 100 points(19%-)  Research-style paper  10 Lab Exercises: 25 points each(23%-)  Quizzes: To be determined 9

10 Grade calculation 90-100% A 80-89%B 70-79%C 60-69%D Grades calculated by dividing amassed points by MAX 10

11 Makeup  No makeup Exams  If absence excused, Grade calculated without missed exam  Late Lab assignments: 10% off per day  Excused Absence REQUIRES written verification  Student responsible to provide documentation 11

12 Due dates  Due dates on course calendar  Responsible to make sure ass. turned in on time  Late assignments not accepted  Exercise/Case due at class beginning  Lab assignments due at end of lab session 12

13 Website / E-mail address   Syllabus  Class Notes  Assignments  Your E-mail address  Required to receive class-related notices  Send me an e-mail (  Subject: MIS 4600 email list  Content: Your-First-Name Your-Last-Name 13

14 Instructor Assistance  E-mail:  Phone: 581-6391  Office Hours:  M W 10:00-12:30  and by appointment 14

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