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CISM Advisory Council Meeting 4 March 2003 Management Plan and Issues CISM Organization Executive Committee Deputy Director and other Core Staff Integrated.

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Presentation on theme: "CISM Advisory Council Meeting 4 March 2003 Management Plan and Issues CISM Organization Executive Committee Deputy Director and other Core Staff Integrated."— Presentation transcript:

1 CISM Advisory Council Meeting 4 March 2003 Management Plan and Issues CISM Organization Executive Committee Deputy Director and other Core Staff Integrated Timeline

2 CISM Advisory Council Meeting 4 March 2003 Executive Committee Jeffrey Hughes, Director Charles Goodrich, Deputy Director Janet Luhmann, Solar and Solar Wind Models Mary Hudson, Magnetosphere Models Timothy Killeen, ITM Models Ramon Lopez, Education and Human Resources Daniel Baker, Knowledge Transfer

3 CISM Advisory Council Meeting 4 March 2003 CISM Organization NSF/OIA NSF/GEO Boston University D. Berkey, Provost S. Chakrabarti, Director CSP CISM J. Hughes, Director G. Siscoe, Chief Scientist C. Goodrich, Deputy Dir. Advisory Board Validation H. Spence Code Coupling Visualization C. Goodrich Solar & Solar Wind J. Luhman Berkeley Magnetosphere M. Hudson Dartmouth ITM T. Killeen NCAR Knowledge Trans. D. Baker U. Colorado Education & HR R. Lopez UT El Paso

4 CISM Advisory Council Meeting 4 March 2003 CISM Executive Committee Principal Management Body of CISM Confer at least monthly, in person or via conference call Responsible for setting tasks and time lines and monitoring progress against those goals. Resolve conflicts that may arise between groups. Decide on reallocation of resources between tasks if it becomes necessary

5 CISM Advisory Council Meeting 4 March 2003 CISM Core Staff Deputy Director (Goodrich): Project Management. Primary responsibility for day-to-day management of CISM and for implementing decisions of executive committee. Major responsibility for Code Coupling and Integration, Managing Computer Resources, and Visualization. Assistant Director (Nottingham): Administrative support and budget. Software Engineer (TBD): support for model coupling software development and implementation Education Coordinator – BU (Zirbel): summer school, course material, teacher training Technology Transfer Specialist (TBD): liaison between CISM and NOAA/SEC (based at NOAA/SEC)

6 CISM Advisory Council Meeting 4 March 2003 CISM Integrated Timeline Code and Model Development Validation/ Assimilation Knowledge Transfer Education Faculty Professional Development Version IVersion IIVersion III

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