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Consists of the following components (which are purchased separately) Resource Discovery * Web based deposit (including authorisation)* Full Text Index.

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Presentation on theme: "Consists of the following components (which are purchased separately) Resource Discovery * Web based deposit (including authorisation)* Full Text Index."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consists of the following components (which are purchased separately) Resource Discovery * Web based deposit (including authorisation)* Full Text Index Manager JPEG 2000 Viewer (currently Leeds uses a Zoomify) OAI * Z39.50 * X-Server (XML interface which can be searched by third part systems * Test Server (to test updates etc) * Training (3 days suggested by ExLibris) * DigiTool 3.0 Digital Repository

2 Cost of DigiTool is based upon: Number of Objects in repository (minimum 25,000) Number of Concurrent Depositors (minimum 1) Number of Concurrent Resource Discovery Users (minimum 10)

3 DigiTool Metadata Support Currently schemas supported: DC, Qualified DC, EAD, METS (sort of), MARCXML Schemas supported in version 3.5: MODS, VRA, PREMIS, further Improvements to METS

4 Uses Oracle as the backend database. Leeds collections currently sitting on the ExLibris remote server but being moved to our MIDESS Sun Unix server located in ISS at Leeds on 7 th May. DigiTool 3.0 Digital Repository

5 Authentication in DigiTool LDAP Shibboleth IP restrictions Expiry date

6 DigiTool features include Detailed reporting facility Readily available API’s Bulk upload and export Integration with a Storage Area Network (SAN) Browse via thumbnail


8 What Improvements I’d like to see included in DigiTool Drag and Drop creation of Metadata schemas Better E-learning support (SCORM, IMS, LOM etc) Incorporation of a payment system so users can purchase material from the repository (for that material that can’t be open source) SRU/SRW support (Web Services)

9 The Leeds Pilot DigiTool Repository Zoomify

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