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Development of GI system 陳建榮

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Presentation on theme: "Development of GI system 陳建榮"— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of GI system 陳建榮

2 GI system: -Primitive Gut Morphogenesis -Foregut -Midgut -Hindgut -Foregut embryology -Midgut embryology -Hindgut embryology

3 Formation of primitive gut Head fold, tail fold and lateral fold -Foregut -Midgut -Hindgut

4 Primitive gut:

5 The primitive gut: -Foregut 前腸 -oesophagus -stomach(S) -proximal half of the duodenum (PD), -liver and pancreas. -Midgut 中腸 -distal half of the duodenum(DD) -jejunum(J), -ileum(I), -cecum(C), -appendix, -ascending colon and the right 3/4 of the transverse colon. -Hindgut 後腸 -left 1/4 of the transverse colon -the descending colon -sigmoid colon -the rectum(R) down to the ano-rectal line (the endoderm-ectoderm junction).

6 The blood supply: -Foregut : celiac artery -Midgut :superior mesenteric artery -Hindgut :inferior mesenteric artery The venous drainage of the gut : -Foregut : portal vein -Midgut : superior mesenteric vein -Hindgut :inferior mesenteric vein.


8 DIVISIONARTERYVEINLYMPHATICSSYMPATHETIC PARASYMPATH ETIC FOREGUT: Oesophagus Stomach Proximal half of duodenum (up to common bile duct (CBD)) Liver Pancreas CELIAC ARETERY PORTAL VEIN Spleenic vein Gastric vein CELIAC NODESCELIAC GANGLIAVAGUS MIDGUT: Distal half of duodenum (from CBD) Jejunum Ileum Appendix Cecum Ascending colon Right 3/4 of transverse colon SUPERIOR MESENTERIC ARTERY SUPERIOR MESENTERIC VEIN SUPERIOR MESENTERIC NODES SUPERIOR MESENTERIC GANGLIA VAGUS HINDGUT: Left 1/4 of transverse colon Descending colon All of rectum down to ano-rectal line INFERIOR MESENTERIC ARTERY INFERIOR MESENTERIC VEIN INFERIOR MESENTERIC NODES GANGLIA HYPOGASTRIC PLEXUS PELVIC SPLANCHNIC NERVES Functional divisions of primitive GI system

9 GI system: -Primitive Gut Morphogenesis -Foregut Embryology -Development of stomach -Development of mesentery -Liver morphogenesis -Pancrease morphogenesis -Midgut embryology -Hindgut embryology

10 Development of stomach Stomach: -Clock wise 90 -Greater curvature of stomach 胃大彎 -Lesser curvature of stomach 胃小彎 -Vagus n.

11 Development of stomach

12 GI system: -Primitive Gut Morphogenesis -Mesentery morphogenesis -Dorsal mesentery 背總腸繫膜 -Ventral mesentery 腹總腸繫膜 -Foregut Embryology -Midgut embryology -Hindgut embryology


14 Formation of Greater omentum 大網膜

15 網膜囊 網膜孔



18 THE MESENTERY: -ventral mesentery: -falciform lig. 鐮狀韌帶 -lesser omentum 小網膜 -coronary lig. 冠狀韌帶 -triangular lig. 三角韌帶 -dorsal mesentery: -Mesogastrium : greater omentum 大網膜, omentum bursa 網膜囊 -Mesoduodenum 十二指膜系膜 -mesentery proper (distal duodenum, jejunum and ileum), -mesocolon 結腸系膜 -Mesorectum 直腸系膜







25 Development of liver: -Hepatic diverticulum 肝憩室 -Hepatic cords 肝索 -Gallbladder 膽囊 -Ventral pancreatic bud 腹側胰芽 4 weeks 5 weeks 6 weeks

26 Development of pancrease -Dorsal pancreatic bud 背側胰芽 -Body and tail of pancrease, accessory pancreatic duct -Ventral pancreatic bud 腹側胰芽 -Uncinate process of pancrase, main pancreatic duct


28 Annular pancrease 環狀胰臟

29 Duodenal stenosis or atresia

30 Development of spleen Accessory spleen 副脾

31 GI system: -Primitive Gut Morphogenesis -Foregut Embryology -Midgut embryology -Rotation of midgut loop -Retum of midgut to abdomen -Fixation of intestine -Cecum and appendix -Hindgut embryology



34 Rotation of midgut loop - Counterclock wise 90 6 weeks Retum of midgut to abdomen 10 weeks 11 weeks


36 Umbilical hernia

37 Gastroschisis 裂腹畸形 ( 前腹壁缺損 )

38 Nonrotation of midgutMixed rotation and volvulusReversed rotation Internal herniaMidgut volvulsu

39 Fixation of intestine

40 Cecum and appendix


42 Meckel diverticulum

43 Ileal diverticulum 迴腸憩室

44 Duplication of intestine 腸重覆

45 GI system: -Primitive Gut Morphogenesis -Foregut Embryology -Midgut embryology -Hindgut embryology -Partitioning of cloaca 泄殖腔 -Urorectal septum 泌尿直腸隔 -Cloaca 泄殖腔 -Urogenital sinus 泌尿生殖竇 -Anal canal 肛管



48 Partition of claca

49 Anal canal 原肛 恥狀線

50 直腸尿道瘻管 直腸陰道瘻管 肛門會陰瘻管

51 Membraneous atresia of anal

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