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Annelidae These guys try to worm their way into all ways of life.

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Presentation on theme: "Annelidae These guys try to worm their way into all ways of life."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annelidae These guys try to worm their way into all ways of life

2 Typical dissection approach

3 I. General Characteristics A. Bilateral symmetry B. Cephalization C. Coelom D. Complete digestive tract E. Segmentation F. Nephridia G. Circulatory system H. Hydrostatic skeleton

4 II. Organ systems A. Digestive System 1. muscular pharynx 2. esophagus 3. crop 4. gizzard 5. intestine

5 B. Nervous system 1. ganglia 2. ventral nerve cord

6 C. Circulatory system 1. closed circulatory system 2. dorsal blood vessel 3. five pairs of pseudohearts 4. ventral blood vessel 5. capillary network

7 D. Reproductive system 1. hermaphroditic 2. male parts 3. swapping of sperm 4. clitellum 5. female parts impossible to find for average

8 The Great Exchange

9 Fertilized eggs released in a cocoon

10 E. Excretory system-nepridium 1. almost every segment has a nepridium

11 nephridium

12 III. Classes of annelids A. Oligochaets 1. setae not huge 2. useful for anchorage during locomotion 3. sequence of muscle contraction

13 B. Polychaets 1. parapodia 2. much more elaborate 3. locomotion 4. moving fluid through tubes 5. excavation in marine worms 6. respiratory surfaces

14 Polychaet-feather duster worm

15 Christmas Tree Worm

16 C. Hirunidea-leeches One of man’s best friends

17 Wonderful story QFRVc&NR=1 QFRVc&NR=1 ure=related

18 Cross section 1. coelom 2. dorsal blood vessel 3. ventral nerve cord 4. muscle layers 5. typhlosole 6. nephridia 7. setae

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