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Humanities Assessment Task By: Hiep Dang Nguyen. Why is time and place matter? I had been affected because my mum was born in Cambodia and my step-grandfather.

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Presentation on theme: "Humanities Assessment Task By: Hiep Dang Nguyen. Why is time and place matter? I had been affected because my mum was born in Cambodia and my step-grandfather."— Presentation transcript:

1 Humanities Assessment Task By: Hiep Dang Nguyen

2 Why is time and place matter? I had been affected because my mum was born in Cambodia and my step-grandfather was come from Cambodia. My younger sister was born in Australia but even though my parent is 100% Vietnamese. My mum worked mostly overseas so if she think that country will be a good place for my sisters and I to study abroad she will buy houses there. If my parent didn’t move to Vietnam I wouldn’t be like who I am now and I won’t study in AIS Saigon.

3 2009: My family went to vacation with others families on summer. 2009: My family went to vacation with others families on summer. 2007: This is a picture of my sisters and I. 2007: This is a picture of my sisters and I.

4 This is where my family are living and my mum’s main office is here. This where my mum was born even though she isn’t Cambodian and her passport was Vietnamese not Cambodian. She always go to Da Nang to check her employees and see what can she do.

5 My family’s company is in Melbourne. It is my 1 st choice of where I will go study abroad, that's how my studying have been affect.

6 12 th Dec, 1966 My mum was born in Cambodia. 4 th Dec, 1988 My parent were married on this day. 10/09/1989 My oldest sister were born in Vietnam. 09/02/199 2 My sister was born in Vietnam on this day. 10/06/1998 I was born in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 14/03/2005 My younger sister was born in Melbourne, Australia. 4 th Dec, 2008 My parent 20th married anniversary

7 10/06/1998 I was born in Vietnam 12 years ago. 10/06/1998 I was born in Vietnam 12 years ago. 10/06/2000 My 2 nd birthday was in Da Nang, Vietnam. 10/06/2000 My 2 nd birthday was in Da Nang, Vietnam. 2001 I started to go to school, when I was 3 year old. 2001 I started to go to school, when I was 3 year old. 2008-2009 I started to go to AIS Saigon, it was my first year at AIS. 2008-2009 I started to go to AIS Saigon, it was my first year at AIS. 2009-2010 I met lots of good friends and had a great school times with my friends. 2009-2010 I met lots of good friends and had a great school times with my friends.

8 My mum said things that she remember the most about my sisters and I were about understanding when she go in a far mission instead of crying and that influenced her jobs however we’re young to consciousness independent. The most happy time with my family was when it was my parent 20 th wedding anniversary and when it was my grandma 80 th birthday. My sister always stole my toys when I was young but when I got in trouble they helped me to be better and hide it from my parents so that I won’t be in big trouble. Things change when my younger sister was born, I always had to take care of my younger sister. My bigger sisters all went overseas to study. Memories

9 My family is like others family, we live happily together. There are about 120 members in my family (both sides). My family is also my best friend, I shared interesting things at school with them, they always welling to help me about something. I learn that my mum think if she is a business women that make my family will be well of after my dad stop his job and stay at home. Culture doesn’t affect my family a lot but Vietnamese people believe and trust on their culture and put it at the top like they to pray every weekdays, What did I learn about my family ???

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