Using American FactFinder and Data Ferrett Ronald Campbell The Orange County Register 0:00.

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Presentation on theme: "Using American FactFinder and Data Ferrett Ronald Campbell The Orange County Register 0:00."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using American FactFinder and Data Ferrett Ronald Campbell The Orange County Register 0:00

2 Is the new AFF an evil plot? 00:30

3 Well, no: A long-needed change  “Legacy FactFinder” (launched 1999-2000) Built for Census geeks Grew over time; breadth, quality of data varies by topic  FactFinder 2 (launched January 2011) More carefully designed But poorly launched – and frustrating for longtime users 1:16

4 Demo of legacy FactFinder 1:44

5 Legacy FactFinder is like a box of chocolates … 4:18

6 FactFinder 2 is already better  Topics People  Counts, age & sex, income, etc. Housing  Counts, occupancy, mortgage & rent Datasets  Geography States, counties, places Address search 4:28

7 In some respects it’s way better  User can choose among many results.  Search is interactive and nearly instant.  And the maps are far better than anything delivered by Legacy FactFinder. 5:20

8 Demo of FactFinder 2 5:45

9 But (you knew there would be a but …)  Why is it so hard to get data for all the places in a single county?  Why can’t I get a profile for my city on QuickStart?  Why is the transition taking so long?  Why can’t I export a map as a shapefile or KML? 23:00

10 For the truly geeky: Data Ferrett! 23:57

11 Nearly two dozen databases  Decennial Census  American Community Survey  Current Population Survey  Consumer Expenditure Survey  National Health & Nutrition Examination Survey  Survey of Income and Program Participation … and many more 24:30

12 And it comes in many flavors!  Aggregate  Microdata  Time series  Longitudinal 25:09

13 Demo of Data Ferrett 25:53

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