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The Whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Meninges Protect brain from shock Provide buoyancy Infection: meningitis KW2-5.

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Presentation on theme: "The Whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Meninges Protect brain from shock Provide buoyancy Infection: meningitis KW2-5."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

3 Meninges Protect brain from shock Provide buoyancy Infection: meningitis KW2-5

4 Meninges (sketch) Skull Dura mater (tough mother) Arachnoid layer Subarachnoid space filled with CSF Pia mater (soft mother) Cortex (bark)

5 Ventricles Cavities in the brain filled with CSF Hydrocephalus is caused by blockage KW 2-9

6 CSF Circulation CSF produced in ventricles Chorid plexus CSF circulates thru ventricles and Meninges Brain and spinal cord Spinal tap

7 Hydrocephalus Flow of CSF blocked. CSF builds up in ventricles. Ventricles expand. Brain tissue destroyed by pressure. Must drain CSF

8 Lobes of the Brain KW 1-1 Lateral ventricles

9 Blood Flow to Cortex Important when determining stroke where flow is blocked or blood vessel ruptures. KW 2-7

10 Stroke Blood clot blocks flow. Hypertension Artery ruptures. Hemorrhage. Loss of blood supply to brain in both cases.

11 Subdural Hematoma Blow to skull ruptures vein. Blood collects under dura. Displaces brain. Pressure must be released.

12 Brainstem KW 2-15

13 Brains from All Sides KW 2-6

14 Reticular Formation Brain’s arousal center KW 2-16

15 Midbrain (Colliculi) Old sensory centers for vision and hearing KW 2-18

16 Cerebellum Coordination Planning Learning Prediction KW 2-17 Fine motor control

17 Brainstem structures Reticular Formation Sleep center Cerebellum Vegetative centers for heart rate, breathing, cough reflex, etc Cranial Nerves Summary: basic body functions Essential for life

18 Thalamus Located in very center of brain. “Inner chamber”

19 Thalamus and Cortex Thalamus Visual Cortex Eye Thalamus is a Relay Station for the senses

20 Hypothalamus Motivation Regulates pituitary Homeostasis KW2-19 Location of the Thalamus Below thalamus we find

21 Hypothalamus KW 11-9

22 Motivation-Hunger The hypothalamus controls eating and other body maintenance functions

23 Hypothalamus and Pituitary KW 11-11

24 Motivation and the Hypothalamus Homeostasis –tendency to maintain a balanced or constant internal state Setpoints for eating and drinking. Control endocrine system thru pituitary

25 Basal Ganglia Initiates movements like walking. “Starter Motor” Gross motor control

26 Basal Ganglia KW 2-23

27 Diseases of the Basal Ganglia Huntington’s Disease: A genetic disorder Website: Nancy Wexler Parkinson’s Disease: Loss of dopamine producing neurons. Website: Michael J. Fox

28 Limbic System Emotional Brain KW 2-20

29 Limbic System Emotional Brain Negative emotions like fear and anger Brain’s “ID” Animal impulses and reactions Balanced in humans by cortex KW 11-14

30 Hippocampus and Amygdala KW 2-24

31 Experiencing Emotion The Amygdala- a neural key to fear learning Hippocampus (purple)

32 Memory components Hippocampus: consolidation of new memories Movie: Memento Amygdala: emotional memory Flashbulb memory Life-changing experiences

33 Next: Mapping the cortex

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