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Approval Code Training Special Guest Appearances by… The W11 Scheduling Policy Pilot Printing a Proof in STAR 2-Proof Schedule Production Process.

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Presentation on theme: "Approval Code Training Special Guest Appearances by… The W11 Scheduling Policy Pilot Printing a Proof in STAR 2-Proof Schedule Production Process."— Presentation transcript:

1 Approval Code Training Special Guest Appearances by… The W11 Scheduling Policy Pilot Printing a Proof in STAR 2-Proof Schedule Production Process

2 Approval Codes in STAR Changes to the Printing Process Creating Approval Codes Viewing Approval Codes Printing Approval Codes Winter 2011 Scheduling Policy Pilot 2-Proof Schedule Production Process Printing a Schedule Proof in STAR Extracting a Schedule Edit from STAR

3 Changes to Approval Code Printing

4 July 15th - The high capacity printer in North Hall is no more  - Registrar will be unable to print approval codes Summer & Fall 2010 - After July 15 th, the Registrar’s Office will discontinue our service of printing and mailing approval codes - Departments will need to print their own approval codes from STAR Winter 2011 and beyond - Departments will need to print their own approval codes from STAR - Instructors will be able to print the approval codes for their courses in eGrades

5 Creating Approval Codes in STAR

6 Creating Approval Codes Enter “C” for the Courses, and the quarter you are working on in QYY format. Press ENTER.

7 Creating Approval Codes Enter the enrollment code. Press F1 to access the “Course Section Update” screen – do not press ENTER.

8 Creating Approval Codes Add the number of approval codes that you would like created to the space marked “Approval Codes” in the “Course Section Update” screen. Press ENTER to create the codes – they will be created as soon as you press ENTER.

9 Creating Approval Codes with the F6 Button Only use the F6 key to create one approval code when you are giving this specific code to a student at that moment. You will NEVER be able to print any code created with the F6 button.

10 Creating Approval Codes with the F6 Button In the “Course Section Update” screen, press F6. One new code has been created.

11 Error Message – What do I do? Email the Scheduling & Publications Unit with the enrollment code, the error message, and how many approval codes you need.

12 Questions about creating approval codes?

13 Viewing Approval Codes

14 Codes Created by Changing the Number in the “Course Section Update” Screen For approval codes created by updating the number in the Approval Code field of the “Course Section Update” screen, approval codes will show a creation date only.

15 After Approval Codes Are Printed Once approval codes have been printed, the date they were printed will appear in the “Printed” column.

16 Codes Created by Pressing F6 This code was created by the F6 button. Look for a five character Com-Plete user-name in the “Name” field, and for the “Issued” and “Printed” dates to be filled in. A five character Com-Plete username in the “Name” field DOES NOT mean that this approval code has been used or canceled. It indicates that this code was created when the person with that username pressed F6.

17 Canceled Approval Codes To cancel an approval code, type a “C” in the column marked “Can” and press ENTER. Canceled approval codes will show “Canceled” in the “Name” column. Enter “C” in this column to cancel an approval code

18 Codes Used by Students An approval code that has been used by a student will show their perm number and name. The date in which the student used the code will appear in the “Issued” column. Perm #LAST,FIRST,MIDDLE 06/25/10

19 Approval Code Printing in STAR

20 Printing Approval Codes 1. Enter “R” for the Reports MENU, and the quarter you are working on in QYY format. Press ENTER.

21 Printing Approval Codes 2. Find the report called “Approval Code Extract/pdf”. Enter the selection number. Press ENTER.

22 “Approval Code Extract”

23 Approval Codes for All Courses Enter your department’s abbreviation, choose your output preference (“PDF” for a printable format or “FILE” for a text file to import into Excel). Press ENTER.

24 Approval Codes for One Course Enter your department’s abbreviation, course (subject abbreviation and course number - NOT the enrollment code), choose your output preference (“PDF” for a printable format or “FILE” for a text file to import into Excel). Press ENTER.

25 Approval Codes for One Instructor Enter your department’s abbreviation, instructor’s STAR ID, and choose your output preference (“PDF” for a printable format or “FILE” for a text file to import into Excel). Press ENTER.

26 EMAIL Codes to an Instructor Enter your department’s abbreviation, instructor’s STAR ID, type “Y” in the blank next to Send to Instr, and choose your output preference (“PDF” for a printable format or “FILE” for a text file to import into Excel). Press ENTER.

27 Re-Printing Approval Codes Type “Y” next to “Reprint All”. Next, enter the date in which you would like approval codes to be printed from. All approval codes created on or after will be printed EXCEPT those used by students and those created with the F6 button. Press ENTER to submit.

28 Printing Approval Codes from PDF Check your email inbox for an email with “Approval Codes” in the subject line. Open the PDF attachment called “approval.pdf” - this will open a PDF document formatted to print your requested approval codes on Avery 5167 labels.


30 Importing FILE Export into Excel Check your email inbox for an email with “Approval Code Extract” in the subject line. Open the zip file by double clicking on it. Drag and drop the text file to your desktop. Open Excel and import the text file that you dragged to your desktop. Drag and drop to desktop

31 Questions about printing approval codes?

32 Winter 2011 Scheduling Policy Pilot

33 F10 Pilot – Results! total # of course records read by Schedule25 # of courses requesting a room for 100+ students (% of total) courses without day/time/room assignments after Schedule25 (% of total) courses where alternate days/times were requested of departments/instructors (% of total) Fall 2008 Unclear which policy elements were and were not enforced 1343 200 (14.9%) 206 (15.3%) 185 (13.8%) Fall 2009 Standard scheduling practices based on current UCSB policy enforced 1173 195 (16.6%) 143 (12.2%) 42 (3.6%) Fall 2010 Pilot of new proposed policy 971 199 (20.5%) 115 (11.8%) 26 (2.7%)

34 Winter 2011 Scheduling Policy Pilot ? ?

35 -Proof Schedule Production Process

36 What? Why? Huh? Because the start of the Winter 2011 production cycle was delayed longer than expected and we still need to produce a schedule prior to the set registration dates, we would like to try a two-proof process for Winter 2011 that the SchedPub unit has considered implementing in the past. Proof One Proof TwoPrimary Proof Proof ThreeSecondary Proof 3-Proof ProcessNEW 2-Proof Process – the start of the production cycle is now closer to the start of registration (better idea of curriculum and budget?) – no more pesky proof one deadline! PROS

37 Primary Proof (formally known as Proof Two) The first proof you receive in the cycle Will have four weeks to complete it Schedule25 will be run and day/time/room assignments for primaries will be made after it is returned To review my data entry and correct any errors/make additional changes before Scheulde25 is run, turn in your proof prior to the deadline and ask me to process the changes for your review.

38 Secondary Proof (formally known as Proof Three) The second and last proof you receive in the cycle Will have two weeks to complete it Schedule25 will be run and day/time/room assignments for secondaries will be made after it is returned

39 W11 Two-Proof Production Dates Primary Proof ReleasedFriday, July 9th Primary Proof DueFriday, August 6th Schedule25 Run – Primary Assignments Secondary Proof ReleasedFriday, August 27th Secondary Proof DueFriday, September 10th Schedule25 Run – Secondary Assignments Release to STAR/GOLD/Course SearchFriday, September 17th Deadline to Schedule Unplaced CoursesFriday, September 24th Deadline to Make ChangesFriday, October 1st SAFs Required for ChangesFriday, October 22nd Registration Pass One BeginsSaturday, October 23rd

40 Printing a Schedule Proof from STAR

41 Printing a Schedule Proof in STAR 1. Enter “R” for the Reports MENU, and the quarter you are working on in QYY format. Press ENTER.

42 Printing a Schedule Proof in STAR 2. Find the report called “Schedule Proof (pdf)”. Enter the selection number. Press ENTER.

43 Printing a Schedule Proof in STAR 3. Enter your department abbreviation, and make sure the “Instructor List”, “Schedule25 Data” and “Print Messages” are marked as “Y. Press ENTER to submit.

44 Printing a Schedule Proof in STAR 4. Check your email inbox for an email with “Schedule Proof” in the subject line. Open the PDF attachment - this will open a PDF with your schedule proof. Print the proof, make your changes in RED and return it to the Registrar

45 Extracting a Schedule Edit from STAR

46 Extracting a Schedule Edit in STAR 1. In the Repots Menu, find the report called “Curriculum Edit (pdf)”. Enter the selection number. Press ENTER.

47 Extracting a Schedule Edit in STAR 2. Enter the quarter you are working on and your department abbreviation. Press ENTER.

48 Extracting a Schedule Edit in STAR 4. Check your email inbox for an email with “Curriculum Edit” in the subject line. Open the PDF attachment named “dept.pdf” - this will open a PDF with your curriculum edit. Use this PDF to check you proof for data entry errors, and for courses assigned to departmentally controlled space.

49 Questions about printing a Schedule Proof or Edit?

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