FAST Families and Schools Together. FAST n Research Background n The FAST Curriculum n FASTWORKS n Evaluation Data n Staffing n Funding.

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Presentation on theme: "FAST Families and Schools Together. FAST n Research Background n The FAST Curriculum n FASTWORKS n Evaluation Data n Staffing n Funding."— Presentation transcript:

1 FAST Families and Schools Together

2 FAST n Research Background n The FAST Curriculum n FASTWORKS n Evaluation Data n Staffing n Funding

3 A Quick Quiz Rank the following causes of child abuse from most predictive to least predictive: lack of parenting skills, low parental impulse control, parental abuse as a child, parental isolation, parental stress

4 Causes of Child Abuse n Parental Stress n Parental Isolation

5 The Negative Effects of Parental Isolation n Birch and Gusso found a relationship between the mother’s level of social support and their child’s performance in school (regardless of the mother’s stress level) n Wahler found that instructing parents in behaviorally-based parenting skills helped their kids -- only if the parents had social support and were not isolated

6 Predictors of Drug Abuse n Schedler & Block conducted a 15 year longitudinal study, and found that drug abuse -- at age 18 -- could be predicted by parenting style the child experienced at age 5: critical, controlling, hostile, non-empathic and non-inquiring

7 FAST is Proven to… n Reduce Parental Isolation – FAST & FASTWORKS creates a new social support network for parents. FASTWORKS continues it. – Parents make an average of 2.2 new friends during FAST – Buddy-Time each week – Parent Group each week

8 FAST is Proven to… n Increase Family Cohesion – Each week parents receive behaviorally- based training in interacting with their children with supportive, non-judgmental and non-directive behaviors (Special Play) – Each week parents and children receive behaviorally-based training in communication skills (Scribbles & Feelings Charades)

9 The FAST Curriculum FAST Recruitment n Teachers and School Administrators refer children to FAST n Home Visits by Parent and Mental Health Partners n Targeted Child, Parents, Siblings & Others n 7 to 10 Families

10 The FAST Curriculum Eight, 2-1/2 hour meetings, once a week n FAST Hello’s n Family Meal n Sing-a-long n Scribbles & Feeling Charades n Kid’s Time / Buddy-time & Parent Group n One-to-one time -- Special Play n Winning Family n Announcements & “Rain”

11 FASTWORKS n Two-year follow-up to FAST n Community Advocacy n Monthly Meetings n Special Play n parents’ choice n Problems and Success

12 Evaluation Data n Alliance for Children & Families encourages evaluation n National Results n Local Results

13 Staffing Community Partners n FAST Team – Coordinator – Mental Health Partner – Parent Partner – School Partner – Prevention Partner – Recreation Coordinator – Volunteers

14 Rights of Use of This Material n Some trainers are very protective of their materials – they’re afraid that they’re giving away their business. I feel that freely distributing information like this is just good advertising for a trainer or consultant. So please use my material as you see fit; with the provision that you, in print, reference me. Please use the following information – in full: n William Ashton, Ph.D. n The City University of New York, York College n Department of Political Science and Psychology n

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