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High performance, low carbon: ICT and the environment many people, including Mike Norris.

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Presentation on theme: "High performance, low carbon: ICT and the environment many people, including Mike Norris."— Presentation transcript:

1 High performance, low carbon: ICT and the environment many people, including Mike Norris

2 Agenda The challenge The ICT sector GN3-NA3.5 Preliminary results Conclusion

3 The Challenge

4 Climate change – some trends Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report, IPCC

5 Global & Continental Temperature Change

6 Changes in GHG emissions (source: UNFCCC) CountryGHG emission 2004 (Mtonne of CO 2 ) GHG emission change 1990-2004 Kyoto Treaty obligation 2008-2012 Austria7915.7%-13% Canada59926.6%-6% Denmark70-1.1%-8% European Comm4253-0.6%-8% Finland7114.5%-8% Germany1226-17.2%-8% Hungary123-31.8%-6% Iceland3-5.0%+10% Ireland5623.1%-8% Poland564-31.2%-6% Sweden72-3.5%-8% USA610315.8%

7 The ICT Sector

8 Trends in ICT sector

9 Data centres 120 x 10 9 Kwh/year = ~2% of global CO 2 emission = emission from aviation industry

10 … we have to be SMART

11 Routers: a power law for power consumption

12 IT mitigation Videoconference 2-day trip to a meeting 1000km away, VC can save €1000 and 500kg of CO 2 per person Teleworking Every teleworker can save ~ 1 ton of CO 2 a year Dematerialisation & substitution e.g. E-books, e-banking etc

13 GN3-NA3.5

14 Structure of GN3 Joint research activities - JRA1: future network - JRA2: multi-domain resources & services - JRA3: enabling communities Network activities - NA1: management - NA2: joint dissemination & outreach - NA3: status & trends - NA4: liaison & support Service activities - SA1: GÉANT network architecture design & planning, procuring, building & operating - SA2: multi-domain service operation - SA3: end-user services in a federated environment - SA4: software governance


16 GN3-NA3.5: work programme Baseline audits...... of GÉANT and partner NRENs, using standards, such as ISO 14064 Best current practice...... and practical policies Final results...... and recommendations Throughout, liaison with other GN3 tasks, with NRENs and with projects such as Canarie’s Green IT pilot

17 GHG audit

18 Preliminary results

19 HEAnet GHG emissions

20 GHG emission from schools network

21 HEAnet staff commute

22 Conclusion

23 Further work Wasteful redundancy – dual PSU and equipment resilience ? Does equipment need to be powered on if it’s not in service or likely to be? Some questions that need to be addressed, without impinging on the level of service

24 Investigating RE sources

25 Caution “Green struck my head open, and freed me from all thinking!” From “Bus” by Marina Tsvetaeva, 1934-36

26 Thank you

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