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Weather and Water Investigation 1: What is Weather?

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Presentation on theme: "Weather and Water Investigation 1: What is Weather?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Weather and Water Investigation 1: What is Weather?

2 Objectives/Concepts 1.Use weather instruments to measure temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, wind direction, and wind speed 2.Weather is the condition of Earth’s atmosphere at a given time in a given place. 3.Severe weather has the potential to cause death and destruction in the environment.

3 In your notebook… 1. What is weather? 2. What factors would you need to consider if you were going to describe or forecast weather? **Turn to partner and share your thoughts

4 Hurricanes 1.What is a hurricane? 2.What conditions are necessary for a hurricane to form? 3.What kind of damages occur during hurricanes? 4.What are some things people have done to try to lessen hurricane damage?

5 Meteorology? What is it?

6 If time…  Read Naming Hurricanes in green book pg. 3-4

7 Weather and Water Investigation 1 Part 2

8 Mission  Use weather instruments to measure temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, wind direction, and wind speed over the next 8 days  Each group of 4-5 students will go at the beginning of every Science class and record the data in notebook

9 Weather-Data Resources   Read “Weather Tools” pg 5  List each instrument and what they measure in notebook **Take instruments outside and explore **Take instruments outside and explore

10 Data Sheet Class 1 media/WeatherandWater/FOSS_weather_c hart.xls media/WeatherandWater/FOSS_weather_c hart.xls

11 Data Sheet Class 2 media/WeatherandWater/FOSS_weather_c hart.xls media/WeatherandWater/FOSS_weather_c hart.xls

12 Severe Weather pgs. 69-76 Create a Tree Map with 9 branches (the main sections of the reading) answer the questions what, where and example


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