Better typing Shannon Young. Target age/ Level- 11 Yr olds, 5th grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Better typing Shannon Young. Target age/ Level- 11 Yr olds, 5th grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Better typing Shannon Young

2 Target age/ Level- 11 Yr olds, 5th grade.

3 Objectives. –The objective of this lesson plan is to better the students typing skills and to help them apply it to writing.

4 –Technologies that will be used in this: Computer Computer game: Mavis Beacon Microsoft Word

5 The Learning activity: I will let them know that they will be using Mavis Beacon to sharpen or learn typing skills.

6 They will have a cardboard stand that will be blocking there hands so they can’t look down to find the letters.

7 This will better there skills, no child wants to lose a game so they will work hard to try and learn how to type so they can win.

8 The motivator for this is Mavis Beacon itself. The levels allow the student to know how they are progressing as they get harder.

9 Every student will be at a different level but will all work to achieve the highest level. They are working to better there skills for the activity we will be going to assess what they learned.

10 The better they have made there skills the easier it will be to finish the activity.

11 Provide Information: a) I will an explanation on how their hands should be placed on the key board and which fingers should be hitting which keys.

12 b) I will then guide them through the steps of making their own account so they continue where they left off.

13 c) I will then give them a tutorial on how to use Mavis Beacon. I will let them know that they can work at their own level and speed.

14 d) I would give them a tutorial on how to use Microsoft Word. I would only go over the basics.

15 Provide Practice: They will have five weeks, two days a week of being in the computer lab using Mavis Beacon. Randomly throughout the week I will assign a three to five sentence paragraph for homework.

16 I will stop 10 minutes early and the students will be asked to type for the whole ten minutes and talk about anything they want.

17 Provide Knowledge of Results- From week to week I will pass back the ten minute free writes with comments. Levels reached on Mavis Beacon

18 I will go around to each student and pull up the progress page that Mavis Beacon provides. –Review it with them

19 Review The Activity: Ask students to put their hands in the correct position and I would go around to each student to make sure it was right.

20 I would remind them before starting Mavis Beacon that it is not a race and to work at their own pace

21 Methods of Assessment: Play a game called musical computers Every student will start in a word document and write there name at the top.

22 I would tell them to start a new paragraph and write this, “I came home form school and there was a hippo in my pool”.

23 Write a story with that line. After a 10 minutes, I would say switch and each student would initial the bottom of there paragraph and move to the computer to their right.

24 They would then be given time to add on to the story any way they want. This cycle would go on for a certain amount of rotations given the time slot.

25 Each student would return to their original computer. Each student is told to read through their piece and correct the spelling mistakes but are not allowed to change the story in any way.

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