Copyright © 2003 Americas’ SAP Users’ Group Industrial Hygiene Measurement Management Project at BASF AG Prof. Herbert Bender, PhD May 05 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright © 2003 Americas’ SAP Users’ Group Industrial Hygiene Measurement Management Project at BASF AG Prof. Herbert Bender, PhD May 05 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright © 2003 Americas’ SAP Users’ Group Industrial Hygiene Measurement Management Project at BASF AG Prof. Herbert Bender, PhD May 05 2003

2 Exposure Assessment Management System Organi- sation Statistics Measurement plan Personnel Assessment Equipment, methods Time management Analysis Exposure measurement Information responsibles E A M S Reports

3 Organisation Structure  take over of the organisation structure from Human Resources by interface  company  region  business unit, department  subdepartment  plant  take over of the personal data  business code, address  name of person in charge  telephone number, Email-Adress  location

4 Organisation – Start Screen

5 Personel  Interface to Human Ressources  information on the employees of a plant  Definition of the Homogenous Exposure Group (HEG)  Also manually input possible, e. g. contractors  information on their function (plant manager, supervisor, shift worker, administrator, maintanance, lab person)

6 Personel  Interface to Human Ressources  information on the employees of a plant  Definition of the Homogenous Exposure Group (HEG)  Also manually input possible, e. g. contractors  information on their function (plant manager, supervisor, shift worker, administrator, maintanance, lab person)

7 Personel

8 Time Management  Control measurements scheduling  list of the control measurements to a defined date in the future  list can divided per industrial hygienist  List of work areas with missed deadlines  date can be individually defined, e. g. 3 months  Calculation of the date of the control measure-ment in relation of the exposure as an sugges-tion of the program, can individually changed

9 Monitoring Dates

10 Start of a Project  copy an former project  start from the beginning on  Different possibilities:

11 Color Legend

12 Start of a Project

13 Choose Type of the Project noise climate light External measurement

14 Equipment, Methods  Method(s) for measuring the substances  if different methods exists, drop-down menu  different methods for shift measurements and short- time measurements  sampling description for every method  method (tube, dust-vapour method, impinger, gasket)  flow-rate  maximum sampling duration  maximum storage duration after sampling  detection limit  analytical lab  costs of analysis

15 Equipment List

16 Agent List  The following properties / units of a substance are stored in the program  Identification (name, synonyms, CAS-No., SAP-No.)  OEL (historical, can be selected from the international "ARIEL- list" by interface: TWA, STEL, Ceiling) splitted values (different limit values for different working areas): selection by drop down menu  Summarization group (has to be added in, no limitations)  Measurement lab responsible  Cost per analysis

17 Measurement plan  Default: plan of the last measurement as a suggestion for the new project  For planning of the next measurement:  method for every substance with all relevant parameters  tasks  List for every project with all necessary equipment  pumps  absorption system  measuring plan for those in charge of the plant with all relevant information

18 Example – Measurment Plan

19 Exposure Measurement  standardised tasks in the program  Tasks  Data sheets to determine the exposure situation during the measurement ("time- study")  form sheet is implemented

20 Measurement – Time Study Signature test person Signature plant manager lab information kind of measurement tasks descriptions

21 Measurement - Results

22 Measurement – Exposure Values

23 Measurement - Tasks

24 Measurement - Remarks

25 Tasks  Filling  Pouring in  Sampling  inspection  controlroom work  Cleaning  Changing filters  Transportation work  Laboratory work  Welding  Tasks, realized by BASF (phrases)  Exchanging pumps  Coating  Grinding  Disassembling  insulation work  Maintenance  Waste disposal  Load / unload tank truck / tank wagon

26 Analysis  if different methods available: select from drop-down menu  All measurement methods are stored in the program  Transmission of the substances for analysis with all parameters to the lab per interface  identification of the sample by a bar code  For cost calculation all analytical costs are included the system

27 Combine Measurements  The Time-Weighted Average concentration can be calculated from individual measurements Measurement 1 Measurement 2

28 Assessment  Automatic creation of the assessment (customizing)  default calculation, can be changed individually  implemented in Germany: - permanent safe limit (c << 25 % of TLV) - safe limit (25 < c < TLV)  Calculation of the multiple-substance index  dependent of the 'summation group' of the compound  calculation of every HEG  Calculation of the next contro -measurement date  default calculation, can be changed individually

29 Information on the People in Charge  Written information on the people in charge  department leader  plant manager  health department  representatives of the unions, in case of over exposure in a standardised version,  with email or,  with letter.

30 Log Sheet Faulty measurements Value overruns measurements Summated values

31 Log Sheet – Summated Values

32 Log Sheet – Print Out

33 Information to Management – Short Report

34 Data Storage  All relevant data are stored historically  exposure data  tasks  time-study (scanned, with signature of the test person)  assessment report  OEL's, STEL's  organisation - unit name, code - responsibilities

35 Report - Statistic

36 Reports - Overview  Exposure Data of  of a unit (e. g. business unit, plant, HEG)  an individual  a chemical  selectable by - date, - unit, - concentration - etc.

37 Report – Exposure Data of an Agent measured values of acrylamide

38 Report–Exposure data of employees Overview

39 Exposure data of an employee

40 Report–Exposure data of a plant/side

41 Exposure data of a plant - details

42 Export to Excel

43 Report – Detailed Information

44 Statistical Calculations  Multiple calculations available  all exposures of a unit (e. g. plant, HEG)  exposure of an individual  exposure values of a chemical  selectable by - date, - unit, - concentration - etc.

45 Statistics for Measurements

46 Copyright © 2003 Americas’ SAP Users’ Group Thank you for attending! Please remember to complete and return your evaluation form following this session. Session Code: 3509

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