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The net result is that the Extra Credit Research Paper will only really effect your final grade if you are "just" below a final grade cut line. GE2000.

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Presentation on theme: "The net result is that the Extra Credit Research Paper will only really effect your final grade if you are "just" below a final grade cut line. GE2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 The net result is that the Extra Credit Research Paper will only really effect your final grade if you are "just" below a final grade cut line. GE2000 Extra Credit Research Paper Credit will be “added” after final grade is determined

2 Rules for Paper Submission: 1)YOU MUST REFER TO THE EXTRA CREDIT RESEARCH PAPER TOPIC LIST TO SELECT A TOPIC 2) The paper will be due by 5 p.m. on Friday, April 11. ONLY hard copies will be accepted.

3 Guidelines for the Extra Credit Research Paper Use at least three references, prefer 5; can be Web Sites; not textbook or lab manual. Length: 5-8 single-spaced typed pages of text (not including figures, tables, or references). Research Paper should be "professional", must be typed with 1" margins & 12 point font. Use a title page with name Use headers and subheaders

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