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Measurement The metric system….

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1 Measurement The metric system…

2 Length Distance or size in one dimension.
In the US we use feet, inches and Miles The metric equivalent is Meters 1 M = 3.28 feet 1KM = .62 Miles The diameter of a CD or DVD is 12 cm. A doorknob is typically about 1 m high.

3 Mass Mass is a measure of matter. Often confused with weight.
Weight = Mass X Gravity. On earth Mass = Weight If you go to the moon your mass does not change but you weight does, because gravity is different. 100 lbs = 45.4 Kg 1 ml of water weighs 1 gram. 1 liter of water weighs kilogram, so 1 cubic meter — 1000 liters — of water weighs 1000 kilograms or 1 metric ton. A US penny weighs exactly 2.5 g, while the nickel weighs exactly 5 g.

4 Area Size in two dimensions 1 square inch is = 6.45 Square cm (cm2)
An 8.5” X 11” page is 603 cm2 8.5 inches 11 inches 602 cm2

5 Volume Measures size in 3 dimensions or how much space an object takes up. 1 ml = 1 cubic centimeter (cc) A graduated cylinder is used to measure volume. Always read at bottom of the meniscus

6 Volume of regular objects can be calculated from a few measurements

7 Volume How do you measure the volume of an irregular object?

8 Volume How do you measure the volume of an irregular object?

9 Density How much matter is contained in a certain volume
= mass / volume If 1 ml of water weighs 1 gram, what is the density of water?

10 Density How much matter is contained in a certain volume
= mass / volume If 1 ml of water weighs 1 gram, what is the density of water? 1 g/ml If something is more dense than water it sinks… if it is less dense than water…

11 It Floats!

12 Metric ladder As you move up the ladder, move the decimal place to the left for each step up . As you move down the ladder, move the decimal to the right for each step down.

13 Quiz Triple beam balance is used to measure…
A graduated cylinder is used to measure… What is the mass of a ml of water? What is the density of water?

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