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Estimating project size, effort and schedule

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1 Estimating project size, effort and schedule
Software estimation is difficult Software development is a process of gradual refinement. Unfortunately at the beginning only a fuzzy picture exists of what you want to build As with building anything options exist: gold plated or value priced As the project clarifies the picture it is possible to clarify the estimate of the amount of effort necessary The estimate can only come into focus as the requirements for the software come into focus. when is this? Obviously: You can only estimate the cost and time required to build a house if you know the specific customer requirements

2 Software development as a process of refinement
What contributes to estimation uncertainty Is feature X required? with what priority? What variety of feature X? Cheap or expensive (x 10) Will it need to be enhanced? If you later want an expensive version than this will affect the design (x 10 in design) Quality level of the feature (x 10 in design) Debugging the feature (x 10 caused by inferior design or hurried development)

3 Important points about estimates
Estimates should converge over time G & Y recommends estimates from different viewpoints present estimates as ranges communicate that as the product requirements and design come into focus so will the estimates schedule ranges assume that you created a schedule by first creating an effort estimate and then computing the schedule

4 Estimation vs. Control Options
Bend schedule and costs to meet features Meet halfway Bend to the discipline of a fixed time and $$ budget Customers want and appreciate information ? Try your best to explain the sources of uncertainty Give the customer what information you can and the rationale for your estimates never be afraid to ask for time to prepare an estimate when asked! Explain that further estimates will come with the refinement process Try to explain the necessity of tradeoffs Internal vs. External costs

5 Estimation Process Estimate the size of the product. The number of lines of code or function points Estimate the effort (person-months) Estimate the schedule (calendar-months): shortest possible, efficient, and nominal. Depend on complexity and personnel Provide estimates in ranges and refine the estimates to provide increasing precision as the project progresses

6 Source Code Metric Example

7 What other tradeoffs might be attached to such an estimate?

8 Size Estimation: Function Point Estimation
Size: Function points, lines of code, % difference from another project function points depend on inputs - screens, forms, dialog boxes, etc. outputs - reports, graphs. etc inquiries - actual query as opposed to an input or output logical internal files - major logical groups of end-user data or control information external files - files controlled by other programs with which the program must interact Good simple reference: Schach, Classical and Object-Oriented Software Engineering, Fourth Edition (pps )

9 Revised Function Point Metric
Measure “functionality” of software what is that and why would we like to measure it? External aspects of software: Simple Average Complex Inputs = 3 4 6 Outputs = 4 5 7 Inquiries = 3 4 6 Data Files = Interfaces = Typically adjust for complexity based on organizations experience technical complexity factor (multiplier) Use tables or empirical functions for estimating effort in person months. NEEDS TO BE TAILORED TO YOUR ORGANIZATION.

10 Function Point Metric Example

11 What is Language Level? As language level increases, fewer statements to code one Function point are required. Levels provide a way to convert size from one language to another. 1000 statements in COBOL (level 3) 500 statements in NATURAL (level 6) 250 statements in OBJECTIVE C (level 12)

12 Language Level Relationship to Productivity

13 Language Levels and Productivity
Relationship between level of language and development productivity is not linear. What is the tradeoff to use of higher level languages? do we lose anything? Is there a limit to the “height” of a higher level language? what is at the “top” Coding amounts to 30% of the effort for large software projects. Is this the only thing really implicated by use of higher level languages?

14 Languages and Levels

15 Why function points and language levels?
Ability to size a project Ascertain Function Points of software conveniently Ability to convert the size of applications in different languages Measure productivity of projects in multiple languages Again, what other tradeoffs are part and parcel of such analysis?

16 Tips and traps of effort and schedule estimation:
Avoid off the cuff estimates Courage to take some time to support integrity of the estimate Estimate with as much data and from as many viewpoints as possible Don’t forget common tasks Refine approach as the project progresses assign and enforce responsibility for someone in the organization

17 Facts of Life : Shortest schedules
There is a shortest possible schedule and you can’t beat it trying to will only lead to a longer schedule than you would have had otherwise remember Brooks Law Assumes that everything is done right top 10% of experienced developers detailed knowledge of application area very familiar with a good environment, latest tools project is using fundamental software engineering principals effectively

18 Facts of Life : Efficient schedules
Do most things right top 25% of developers familiar with a good environment project is using fundamental SWE principals effectively Costs increase significantly when you shorten the schedule below efficient Compression factor = desired schedule / initial schedule Compressed schedule effort = initial effort / schedule compression factor it is not possible to go below .75 or .80

19 Facts of Life : Nominal schedules
Average projects, these should be used most of the time top 50% of developers good environment some experience in application area project is using fundamental SWE principals effectively Costs increase significantly when you shorten the schedule below nominal

20 Estimate refinement Can’t refine estimates in a vacuum
necessary to have refined level of software requirements thus you need to begin the requirements phase of the project Standard mistake: Make a point estimate early in the project AND be held accountable for it! Recalibration if there is a slip in an early phase make up lost time add the time slipped multiply by the slip factor Can change product, cost, or schedule

21 See generally “Death March” by Yourdon
Reality Problem: Being forced to work to unrealistic schedules Goal: Get realistic projects accepted Overly optimistic schedules are the rule not the exception Winword Why are they so prevalent beat competition, win a bid, look good Belief that high standards produce exceptional results feature creep bad estimation, inexperience See generally “Death March” by Yourdon

22 Effects of an overly optimistic schedule
Has a negative impact on quality of project planning (100% schedule overruns), customer relationship, credibility not enough time spent on requirements and design more rework and errors too much time figuring on how to meet the schedule; premature attempt to converge -- at all phases of the project quality --- more errors gambling -- unproven tools motivation give up not conducive to creativity turnover

23 Beating schedule pressure
Realistic thinking Explaining impact - the software estimation story Negotiate effectively Note Gause and Weinberg on this topic Also See, Getting to Yes by Fisher and Ury

24 Principled negotiation
Separate the people from the problem Focus on interests not positions Invent options for mutual gain Use objective criteria don’t negotiate the estimates but the inputs (assumptions) resources features process (features before estimate) rational procedure SW tool outside expert

25 No Silver Bullet: Essence and Accident in Software Engineering
There is no single development, in either technology or management technique, which by itself promises even one order-of-magnitude improvement within a decade in productivity, in reliability, in simplicity 1987 IEEE Computer

26 The monster Missed schedules Blown budgets Flawed products
The first step towards a cure is the understanding the disease process

27 Essential Difficulties
The essence of a software entity is a construct of interlocking concepts: data sets, relationships among data items, algorithms, and invocation of functions Complexity: A scaling up of a software entity is necessarily an increase in the number of different elements Conformity: Software must conform to arbitrary systems Changeability: Software can be changed and people want to extend beyond its original design Invisibility: Software has no inherent representation These have both technical and managerial implications

28 Past breakthroughs that solved accidental difficulties
High level languages Faster machines/environments Unified programming environments

29 Hopes for a silver bullet: 1987
ADA Object oriented programming Artificial Intelligence Expert Systems Automatic programming; Graphical programming Program verification Environments Workstations

30 Attacks on the Conceptual Essence (Brooks)
Buy vs. build Requirements refinement and rapid prototyping Incremental development Great designers

31 NSB revisited So what has happened in 10 years - perhaps an order of magnitude improvement in some areas but certainly not all. The crises continues. Buy vs. build -- a huge growth in customizable software (Excel) Object oriented programming high expectations but little impact higher level of abstraction - design patterns? Reuse very much used BUT large vocabularies e.g. Java libraries Bottom line: Software development remains difficult !!!! Note: David Harel wrote “Biting the Silver Bullet” in response to Brooks. Visual, hierarchical, functional modeling attacks essence...can execute and test!

32 Overview of CMM Idea is to develop a set of stages (of maturity) such that each stage lays the groundwork for moving to the next level Provide guidance on how to “gain control” of a company’s processes and progress through the stages Focus on a limited set of activities at each stage

33 Five levels Initial: ad hoc, success based on individual talent and effort Repeatable: Track cost, schedule, functionality -- Can repeat earlier success through mimicry Defined: A standard process is available that can be tailored to each project’s individual needs Managed: Detailed measures of the software process are tracked and product quality data is collected. The process is controlled by using the collected data. Optimizing: Continuous process improvement is enabled by quantitative feedback from the process and from piloting innovative ideas and technologies

34 Determining the Maturity Level: Can you map answers to these questions to a maturity level?
How does your company track the costs and schedule of software projects Is this information used in planning new projects? How? Are the results consistent from project to project? As a new employee how would I learn about how software projects are planned and managed? During the project, how do you track how the project is doing? Is that data ever used to change the project plan? How? What does your company do to improve the quality of the software it produces? Do you try new approaches? How do you judge if they are successful?

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